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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI “ARRIAH” was placed on the Honors Board of Vladimir Regional “Hall of Fame”


13.10.2015 12:10

A great certificate-giving ceremony of placement on the Vladimir Regional “Hall of Fame” was held in the Administration of the Vladimir Region on September 3, 2015.

A.V. Marchenko, First Deputy Governor, V.N. Mironov, President of Employer’s Association and N.A. Sucharnikova, Chairman of Regional Association of Trade Union, gave certificates of placement on the Regional “Hall of Fame” to best workers and innovators of the 33rd Region. In the process of selection of organizations, personnel’s and citizens’ contribution to the development and achievement of results in economic, social and cultural areas of activities in 2014 were noted.

14 best organizations and 25 best workers and innovators, representatives of creative intellectuals, workers of organizations in social area appeared on the Regional “Honors Board”, among which subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” was honored.

The Centre was included into the list of the best organizations of the Vladimir Region as the largest research and production institute standing on guard of biosecurity in Russia. The FGBI “ARRIAH” is the leading developer and manufacturer of vaccines and diagnostica for animals, which are important elements of import substitution on the market of health-promoting preparations for animals. Therefore, the Institute’s contribution to the economics of the country should be noted by the Administration of the Vladimir Region.

On the certificate-giving ceremony D.A. Lozovoy, Acting Director, and L.P. Zhayvoronkova, Chairman of the Centre Trade Union Committee, were representatives of the Institute. In the solemn atmosphere the representatives of the Centre were presented flowers and the Certificate of placement on the Vladimir Regional “Hall of Fame” based on the results of 2014.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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