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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»



FGBI ARRIAH DELEGATION TO VISIT UGANDA The FGBI ARRIAH delegation visited Uganda on 3-10 August 2024.
The aim of the visit was to strengthen cooperation in the field of animal health and livestock industry between Russia and Uganda.
During the stay the FGBI ARRIAH delegation had meetings with the representatives of the National Agricultural Research Organization NARO-NALiRRI and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Uganda.
Deputy Head of the FMD Prevention Laboratory Alexey Borisov was a member of the delegation as the ARRIAH representative.
During the visit, the specialists took part in the official launch of Farmer's Center by Matuga Industries and Logistics Hub LTD, which is the official distributor of ARRIAH products in Uganda. The ARRIAH expert made presentations on the Institute's activities and anti-FMD vaccines produced at the Centre, emphasizing their high quality achieved during many years of experience due to the use of modern equipment and engagement of highly qualified personnel, as well as compliance with GMP requirements in veterinary product manufacture.
Besides, a field training on sampling FMD pathological material was held for Ugandan students and veterinarians. The trainees were informed about the necessary sampling tools and materials, as well as the requirements for the transportation of samples. The training aroused great interest among the audience.
The visit of FGBI ARRIAH delegation to Uganda was an important step in strengthening cooperation between Russia and Uganda in the field of animal health and livestock industry.

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