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In order to study the molecular evolution and the extent of circulation of various genetic groups of the African swine fever virus (ASFV) in the Russian Federation, specialists of the ASF Reference Laboratory of the Rosselkhoznadzor-subordinate FGBI "Federal Center for Animal Health" conducted a molecular genetic analysis of more than 200 genotype II ASFV isolates responsible for outbreaks in 2007-2023.

The data obtained made it possible to identify up to 24 genetic groups within this genotype based on various genomic markers and formed the basis for the development of methodological guidelines for the molecular epizootological clustering of ASFV isolates using subgenotyping.

The published data identify six main and seven additional genetic markers of variability, which are recommended for characterizing isolates of genotype II ASFV being responsible for current ASF epizooties.

The developed PCR procedure with electrophoretic detection makes it possible to amplify the marker regions of the ASFV genome for their further sequencing, alignment and molecular epizootological clustering. The method allows subgenotyping of isolates and determining the molecular epizootic cluster by the distribution of genetic groups of specific marker genes.

The methodological guidelines can be used in the preparation of samples for sequencing, conducting molecular and phylogenetic analyses, geographical clustering and spatio-temporal studies of the ASF virus in various test laboratories and centers conducting profound molecular genetic studies.

For reference:

African swine fever (ASF) is a viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boars characterized by hemorrhagic syndrome, moderate contagiousness, high mortality and various clinical forms. One of the most important tools for ASF virus testing is molecular genetic analysis based on sequencing of certain marker regions of the genome. Twenty-four (24) ASF virus genotypes have been currently reported based on analysis of 475 bp nucleotide sequence of the C-terminal end of the B646L gene encoding vp72 capsid protein.

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