Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
FGBI “ARRIAH” Participation in Forthcoming Conference “Modern Scientific Developments and Advanced Technologies for Commercial Poultry Production”


29.06.2016 11:01

“Modern Scientific Developments and Advanced Technologies for Commercial Poultry Production” Conference in the framework of the 4th International Veterinary Congress which is considered to be the central event in the sphere of veterinary medicine on the whole territory of the Eurasian Economic Union will be held in Sochi from April 13 till April 15, 2016.

High status of the event is determined by the active state support and participation of the RF Ministry of Agriculture, Rosselkhoznadzor and main state veterinary inspectors of the foreign and CIS countries as well as high proficiency level of foreign and domestic guest speakers comprising scientists and representatives of the veterinary administrative authorities of more than 20 states.

V. Irza, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Chief FGBI “ARRIAH” Expert will take part in the forthcoming conference on behalf of the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor with a report “Highly pathogenic avian influenza. Analysis of the current global situation and threat of the spread into the RF territory”.

G. Bobylyova, Doctor of Economics, General Director of the Russian Poultry Union and E. Djavadov, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the FGBNU “VNIVIP” will act as the conference moderators.

Current situation in the poultry sector will be discussed and issues of veterinary welfare assurance in the sphere of commercial poultry production and ways of their solution will be touched upon in the course of the conference. Particularly, the conference participants will provide information concerning the peculiarities of the programme of vaccination and specific prophylaxis of viral avian diseases, consider new tendencies in diagnostics and therapy and discuss the epidemic situation in poultry industry in Russia.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-office

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