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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»



The Federal Center for Animal Health is developing 13 new vaccines for farmed and pet animals, as well as for salmon.

"This year we are in process of development of 13 vaccines. Traditionally, various vaccines are developed since there are various laboratories at the Centre. These are vaccines for poultry, pigs, cattle, several vaccines for small pets, as well as our novel product, that we have not dealt with before — vaccine against salmon diseases," said Ilya Chvala, Deputy Director. For example, researchers are developing three new vaccines for the poultry including vaccine against metapneumovirus infection. "This infection is characterized by periodic recurrence and persistence on farms, and then it can be brought under control. In our opinion, we need to update the composition of this vaccine. So we have isolated a new field strain, selected a new component protection medium. It will be a live dry vaccine," Ilya Chvala said.

Another vaccine for poultry is a quadrivalent inactivated vaccine containing components for protection against Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis and reovirus infection. "Such vaccine is in demand. Previously, a similar vaccine with the same composition was supplied from abroad. At the request of poultry farmers, we are developing a domestic vaccine with similar characteristics," commented the Deputy Director of FGBI "ARRIAH".

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