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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»



FGBI "ARRIAH" TOOK PART IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE IN SOUTH AFRICA The International Scientific Conference "Virology Africa 2024" dedicated to the issues of virology of transboundary human and animal diseases was held in Stellenbosch (Western Cape, South Africa) from April 15 to 18. Special attention was paid to the prevention of AIDS, COVID-19 and other diseases, the genetic analysis of lumpy skin disease and ASF agents, coronaviruses and other economically significant pathogens, as well as metagenomic analysis of livestock samples in search of potential pathogens. More than 100 scientists from Africa, Oceania, North America and Eurasia attended the event.

Head of the Laboratory for Molecular and Genetic Research, Doctor of Science (Biology) Alexander Sprygin and Head of the ASF Reference Laboratory, Candidate of Science (Veterinary Medicine) Aleksey Igolkin took part in the Conference on behalf of the Rosselkhoznadzor-subordinate Federal State Financed Institution "Federal Center for Animal Health" (FGBI "ARRIAH").

In their reports the Russian researchers presented data on the study of the genetic diversity of ASF viruses and LSD virus recombinant vaccine-like isolates circulating in Russia. Also, a separate presentation was made on contact transmission of the recombinant LSD vaccine-like virus strain Saratov/2017. The reports of the Russian scientists were actively discussed and received a positive assessment from the participants of the conference.

During the interdisciplinary sessions, the Russian researchers and their colleagues from the Onderstepoort Institute (Pretoria, South Africa) discussed issues of cooperation in the study of transboundary animal diseases, as well as the role of various vectors in their transmission. In addition, the participation of FGBI "ARRIAH" in the rounds of international interlaboratory comparison tests in 2024-2025 was discussed.

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