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FGBI "ARRIAH" TOOK PART IN THE INTERNATIONAL POULTRY & PORK SHOW IN BRAZIL The FGBI "ARRIAH" delegation headed by Director Roman Rybin took part in the International Poultry & Pork Show (SIAVS), held in Sao Paulo, Brazil from August 6 to 8 this year.

On the sidelines of the show, the FGBI "ARRIAH" delegation together with its official representative in Brazil, BELCHER FARMACEUTICA DO BRASIL S.A., held several important meetings to discuss key issues related to the Brazilian market.

Strategic partnership of BELCHER FARMACEUTICA DO BRASIL S.A. and FGBI “ARRIAH” started with the signing of a memorandum on scientific and technical cooperation for 2024-2026. This was an important step towards a long-term partnership beneficial for both Russia and Brazil and strengthening their positions in the global veterinary and agricultural markets.

Besides, the FGBI “ARRIAH" concluded an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with the State University of Maringá (UEM) and Paraná's Institute of Technology (TECPAR). This agreement will form the basis for further improvement of animal health in Latin America and gives prospects for expansion of joint initiatives in 2024 - 2026.

In the course of the negotiations, issues of the registration and supply of the vaccines against economically significant diseases of poultry, rabbits, cattle and small ruminants were also discussed. In addition to vaccine supply, the FGBI "ARRIAH" plans to render technical assistance to Brazil in animal disease diagnosis and prevention. This cooperation serves as an example of an effective partnership between two countries aimed at improvement of animal health and human well-being around the world.

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