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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»



Reviewing and approval of several regulatory documents, research plans and trends, reports on scientific missions and outcomes of experience exchange with foreign colleagues were the main issues on the agenda of the meeting of the Scientific Council of FGBI "ARRIAH", held on March 15, in Vladimir.

Ilya Chvala, Deputy Director for Research of the Federal Centre for Animal Health (FGBI “ARRIAH”), is the Chairman of the Scientific Board.

The Scientific Board members, Heads of the Departments and Research Officers of the FGBI “ARRIAH” participated to the meeting.

About 70 proposals for the development of methodical documentation in several areas were received from the FGBI “ARRIAH” Laboratories and Departments for reviewing by the Scientific Board. "Each of the proposals requires detailed examination and analysis," Ilya Chvala noted. "We must focus on, first of all, innovative developments and proposals of significant scientific value".

The following methodical guidelines presented by Research Officers were reviewed and recommended for approval at the meeting: Methodical Guidelines for purification, concentration and extraction of African swine fever virus and capripoxvirus genomes for the whole-genome sequencing and Methodical Guidelines for molecular and epizootiological clustering of African swine fever virus isolates by sub-genotyping.

Crimean Testing Laboratory research activities planned in current year were discussed by the meeting participants.
The specialists of the Crimean Testing Laboratory are tasked with serological and epizootological monitoring of infectious animal diseases in the region for identification of the risk of introduction and rate of spread of animal diseases, including ASF, avian influenza and Newcastle disease. The Crimean Testing Laboratory also plans to improve the laboratory test methods for detection of residues of prohibited and harmful substances in live animals, in food products and feedstuffs.

The report on the scientific mission of the FGBI "ARRIAH" stuff-members to the People's Republic of China in January 2024 was presented at the meeting. The purpose of the mission was a detailed study of modern technologies for development and production of serum-free media for cell culture and virus reproduction. JSBio specialists shared their experience with Russian scientists. The company currently holds 34 patents for inventions, cooperates with scientific institutes in China and with more than 50 establishments in China, the Russian Federation, the USA, Turkey, Iran, Singapore, etc. The FGBI "ARIIAH" stuff-members were shown the entire process of serum-free media production - from raw material receiving to final product release, as well as warehouse, laboratory and production facilities of the company. The Federal Center for Animal Health researchers will study the possibility of developing a domestic serum-free medium taking into account the Chinese specialists’ experience. This is necessary to improve the vaccine production and to ramp-up products manufactured by FGBI "ARRIAH".

Preparation of the theses on the topic: “Assessment of risk of some infectious animal disease introduction and spread using meta-analysis taking rabies, tuberculosis, brucellosis and leukemia as an example" by a post-graduate student of FGBI "ARRIAH" and supervision of these theses preparation were also discussed at the meeting.

All agenda items were agreed and supported by the FGBI “ARRIAH” Scientific Board members.

At the end of the meeting documents confirming the registration of nine patents for inventions this year and certifying the exclusive right and authorship of the FGBI "ARRIAH" specialists were handed over.


The Federal Service for Intellectual Property entered the following in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation in January and February 2024:

- O/ARRIAH/Mya-98 strain of foot-and-mouth disease (Aphtae epizooticae) virus for production of biologicals for FMD diagnosis and specific;

- Method for indirect determination of rabies virus infectivity titre in the production seed for attenuated anti-rabies vaccine production using algebraic analysis of second-order differential of CPmax maximum d point of PCR logistic curve;

- Test-system for detection of antibodies against 146S particles of SAT-2/IV foot-and-mouth disease virus with liquid-phase ELISA;

- Liquid-phase blocking indirect sandwich ELISA-based test-system for detection of antibodies against FMDV
О No.2356/Pakistan/2018 strain of genotype O/ME-SA/PanAsia2ANT-10 in animal sera;

- Test-system for detection of antibodies against structural proteins of FMDV Asia-1 No.2356/14/2018 strain;

- Combined vaccine against feline panleukopenia, calicivirus infection and viral rhinotracheitis;

- Method for indirect determination of infectious canine hepatitis caused by CAV-1 genotype in the production seed for culture vaccines with real-time polymerase chain reaction based on quantification cycle Cq

- Method for indirect determination of infectivity titre of canine parvovirus enteritis agent in vaccine production seed with real-time PCR;

- Method for differentiation of genetically modified rabies virus ARRIAH-G333 strain genome and rabies virus vaccine RV-97 strain genome with real-time polymerase chain reaction and high-resolution peak analysis.

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