Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Specialist of FGBI "ARRIAH" Took Part in Meeting of Standing Expert Group for ASF in Asia held in Ho Chi Minh City


13.01.2020 09:14

On November 26-28, 2019 Senior Researcher at the Reference Laboratory for African Swine Fever (FGBI “Federal Center for Animal Health”) A.S. Pershin within the Rosselkhoznadzor delegation took park in the third meeting of the Standing Expert Group for ASF in Asia under the auspices of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) that took place in Ho Chi Minh City, as well as in the fourth practical workshop on control of porcine diseases in Asia.

The delegation was headed by Advisor to the Head of Rosselkhoznadzor Artyom Daushev who presented a report on "ASF control and eradication measures. Regionalization, compartmentalization and electronic certification in the Russian Federation". The Advisor to the Head of the Service informed in detail about the long-term experience of ASF control in Russia as well as the main mechanisms for disease containment and at the same time rapid development of pig industry, and promotion of pig products to export markets.

Within the review of the recommendations and results of the previous meetings of the Standing Group of Experts for ASF in Asia, the topics of surveillance for early detection of African swine fever virus, biosecurity and border control, and the use of disinfectants were discussed. During the discussion the experts strongly opposed the use of illegal vaccines against ASF, practiced, according to open source of information, in some Asian countries, as this can lead to catastrophic changes in the epidemic situation due to uncontrolled mutation of the virus.

The representatives of ASF infected countries showed interest in the technical aspects of eradication measures and methods of bloodless slaughter used for control of African swine fever outbreaks. In addition, special attention was paid to the specifics of the ASF epidemic situation in the EU, the ASF global strategy of communication between the OIE member-states, regional and global initiatives, problems and needs of consumers and producers of pig products.

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