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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Disinfection service

Disinfection service

OGRN 1023101651814, INN/KPP 3327100048 /332701001

Belgorod, per.1st Michurinsky, 5, 308023, tel. (4722) 25-09-71

e-mail: belgorodvniizh@yandex.ru       


Interregional disinfection service was established within the Federal State Financed Institution FGBI ARRIAH; license L047-00118-33/00608356 of August 16, 2022.


We provide a full range of services 

Fumigation, pest control (rodents and insects), disinfection and issuance of electronic veterinary accompanying documents.


PRICE LIST of the FGBI ARRIAH (electronic VADs)



DISINFECTION of objects intended for various purposes and of all QUARANTINe PRODUCTS AND OTHER OBJECTS


• As much as 40%–70% cereal grains can be lost during storage due to infestation. Therefore, it is important to disinfect granaries every year and to strictly test the delivered grain for pest infestation.

•Quarantine phytosanitary disinfection is a component of the national food security system

Highly qualified specialists and technology compliance ensure high efficiency and good quality of work



Insect control of the objects intended for various purposes: buildings, installations, facilities, reservoirs, storage sites, elevators, mills, equipment, transportation vehicles, containers, the whole range of quarantine products, other objects that may be sources of pest transmission, quarantine objects.

• Fumigation of quarantine products in railway cars

• Comprehensive disinfection of grain receiving stations

• Disinfection of quarantine products

• Disinsection with contact insecticides (conservation)

• Fumigation and degassing in containers

• Fumigation of products in warehouses

• Disinsection of obvious and hidden infestation

• Disinsection of round timber and lumber

• Fumigation of production areas (with products inside)

 Disinfection of premises, granaries, food establishments


Options available:


Preventive disinfection.

• It is a wet disinfection with aerosol generators. The aerosol generator produces small-drop insecticide fog, which covers disinfected areas and penetrates into hard-to-reach places such as cracks and crevices.

• Process features:

The power of generators makes it possible to disinfect objects up to 12 meters high;

It is a low-cost and quick procedure


Comprehensive aerosol and gas disinfection

• It is optimal for warehouses and production premises with lots of equipment. This method is based on two types of treatment used simultaneously: fumigation and aerosol disinfection. 

• Process features:

§   effective against many insects;

§   prevention of repeated infestations;

§   can be used in any places;

§   good mechanical cleaning;

§  thorough mechanical pre-cleaning of premises and equipment is required to ensure high quality and effective disinfection


Comprehensive aerosol and gas disinfection

• Phosphide treatment of grain products stored on floors and in silos. This method makes it possible to evenly distribute the fumigant (at the required concentration) in products. Special equipment is used to fumigate the grain under sheets or in silos.

• Process features:

§   100% mortality of insects at all stages of life cycle;

§   no pesticide in the product after degassing.


Gassing (fumigation) using phosphide generators.

• Release of phosphide gas from generators directly into the products or into the room where products are stored.

 • Process features:

§   For grain fumigation in silos, there is no need to move the grain or to prolong exposure  and degassing time, the work is done quickly, 100% effectiveness guaranteed;

§   high safety standards.



     Disinfection of premises is an extremely important measure to protect people's health. Disinfection service takes measures aimed at complete destruction of viruses, mold, fungus and bacteria.

The disinfection is done in strict compliance with the requirements of SanPiN 3.5.1378-03.

    For disinfection purposes we use cold foggers with effective disinfectants recommended by the Rospotrebnadzor and allowed for use in the Russian Federation.

    All disinfectants used by our company totally kill bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms .


Actions taken

Disinfection of products at elevators, grain-receiving stations, livestock holdings, warehouses. A complex approach is the most fruitful one, i.e. aluminum phosphide-based fumigation and aerosol-gas disinfection.

Fumigation of grain consignments is an effective and popular way to fight grain pests in warehouses. Fumigation consists in grain treatment with insecticide gases (phosphide and methyl bromide). 

 It is also effective to fumigate grain during transportation, in railway cars or in vehicles, since the exposure time often does not exceed the transportation time, different products can be disinfected in containers.

Disinfection of wood products and containers (fumigation of wooden containers, pallets and boxes). Thermal foggers that produce a blast of hot air containing pesticides with functional elements are used for this purpose.

Disinfection works are done at distribution centers, logistics complexes. The following products are disinfected: cereals, dried fruits, nuts, beans, tobacco, fresh fruit, furniture and other products.


We guarantee high quality of our services.


Our experts pre-assess infestation status of the establishment, identify pest species and make a conclusion.


We offer dynamic pricing and flexible payment solutions.


You can buy now and pay later (installment payment)  


Issuance of electronic veterinary accompanying documents.


VADs (veterinary accompanying documents of various forms) are issued for controlled commodities included into the List of controlled commodities to be accompanied by VADs, as approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 648 of December 18, 2015.


VADs are issued when: 

ü   a consignment of controlled commodities is produced; 

ü   controlled commodities are moved (transported); 

ü   ownership rights on the controlled commodities are transferred.


We provide support and assistance in issuing electronic VADs. 


Cooperation with the ARRIAH Disinfection Service means:

• All types of disinfection,

• Well-trained and highly qualified staff who regularly improves professional skills,

• Phytosanitary disinfection with methyl bromide,

• State-of-the-art equipment and high-tech automatic and semi-automatic fumigation cabinets

• Documents that confirm fulfillment of all the requirements of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the field of plant quarantine, disinfection during storage, movement, processing, 

• Good quality disinfection is guaranteed as well as the highest degree of safety at work.

• No complaints from customers



Regional Branches


FGBI ARRIAH Vladimir Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Ivanovo Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Kostroma Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Ryazan Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Tambov Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Lipetsk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Smolensk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Tver Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Tula Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Bryansk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Kaluga Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Belgorod Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Kemerovo Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Samara Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Ulyanovsk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Voronezh Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Kursk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Chuvash Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Oryol Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Bashkir Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Crimea Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Chelyabinsk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Tyumen Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Altai Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Novosibirsk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Saransk Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Udmurt Branch,

FGBI ARRIAH Tatarian Branch


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