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+7 (4922) 26-06-14

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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Special assessment of working conditions

Special assessment of working conditions

Special assessment of working conditions, production process control and occupational risk assessment


Division for occupational safety control of the Tula Testing Laboratory is a structural unit of the FGBI ARRIAH. The main task of the Division is to test (measure) environmental, production environment and working process factors.

Production process control
The Division has modern equipment enabling the following production environment and working process factors to be tested (measured):

* Microclimate (temperature, relative humidity, airflow rate).
* Lightning (working surface lighting, daylight factor, lighting intensity, percent flicker).
* Noise.
* Infrasound.
* Air ultrasound.
* General and local vibration.
* Industrial frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz).
* Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.
* Electrostatic field.
* Constant magnetic (hypo magnetic) field.
* Infra-red radiation.
* Ultraviolet radiation.
* Lazer radiation.
* Severity of labor process.
* Intensity of labor process.
* Collection of working zone air samples for tests for chemical substances and strongly fibrogenic aerosols preformed in the testing laboratory.

Special assessment of working conditions

Special assessment of working conditions is a complex of consistently implemented measures for identification of harmful and(or) hazardous of production environment and working process factors (hereinafter also referred to as harmful and (or) hazardous production factors) and for assessment of their impact on the worker.

What is the special assessment of working conditions? (more details)


Assessment of occupational risks

Occupational risk management is a complex of interrelated measures being elements of the occupational health and safety management system and including measures to occupational risk identification, assessment and mitigation.

Our advantages

  • full compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ of 28 December 2013 on special assessment of working condition;
  • our testing laboratory is accredited by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation);
  • our specialists are certified experts having the right to perform special assessment of working conditions;
  • profound experience in providing services in the field of occupational safety and health;
  • our experts can provide their services in any region of the Russian Federation;
  • flexible price policy.

Division staff-members

Head of the Division: Anastasiya P. Marchikhina

Higher education, graduate of the Tula State University;
Qualification as indicated in diploma: land management and cadastres;
professional training: ANO of Additional Professional Education “Modern Scientific and Technological Academy according to the programme: “Special assessment of working conditions”

Experts in special assessments of working conditions:

Irina Yu. Nikitina – Deputy Head of the Division;

Olesya A. Shepeleva – Deputy Head of the Division;

Yelena V. Ovodova– Chief Expert;

Lyubov I. Ogil – Chief Expert, Medical Officer.

The Division staff-members regularly upgrade their qualifications by participating in All-Russia and intralaboratory workshops.


You can communicate with experts and submit a request for special assessment of working conditions or production process control by phone or e-mail from 8.30 to 17.30 on weekdays.

See price list for details of test parameters and prices. Tel/fax: +7 (4872) 75-35-80
+7 962-272-06-41

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