Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
List of FGI ARRIAH Patents

List of FGI ARRIAH Patents

(19) RU (11) 2199583 (13) С1
(51) 7 С 12 N 7/00, А61 К39/255

(54) No.3004/No.109 strain of Marek’s disease virus for vaccine production

(21) 2001121608/13
(22) 31.07.2001
(24) 31.07.2001
(46)27.02.2003 VIS No.6
(72) Ye.V.Barros-Paloma., V.I. Smolensky, Sh.K. Kulyashbekova
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution "All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health"

(19) RU (11) 2212896 (13) С2
(51) 7 А61 К39/155, С 12 N 7/00

Inactivated vaccine against bovine parainfluenza-3 virus

(21) 2001130288/13
(22) 08.11.2001
(24) 08.11.2001
(46) 27.09.2003 VIS No.27
(72) V.A. Mischenko, V.V. Lisitsin, R.L. Alexanyan, T.B. Nikeshina, T.V. Zhbanova
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2212898 (13) С1 (51) 7 А61 К39/23, С 12 N 7/00 // (С12 N7/00, C12 R 1:93)

“Vl-94” strain of porcine parvovirus for production of vaccine preparations

((21) 2002103767/13
(22) 11.02.2002
(24) 11.02.2002
(46) 27.09.2003 VIS No.27
(72) V.M. Zakharov, T.Z. Baibikov, Ye.K.Dolganova, Sh.K.Kulyashbekova, S.G. Yerofeyev.
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2214275 (13) С1
(51) 7 А61 К39/23, С 12 N 7/00

Method of producing Inactivated emulsified vaccine against porcine parvovirus

(21) 2002103821/13
(22) 11.02.2002
(24) 11.02.2002
(46) 20.10.2003 VIS No.29
(72) T.Z. Baibikov, Ye.K.Dolganova, K.N. Gruzdev, V.V. Mikhalishin, N.S. Dudnikova, S.G. Yerofeyev, V.M. Gulyenkin, I.Ya. Kurman
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health

(19) RU (11) 2236253 (13) С2
(51) 7 А61 К39/12, С 12 N 7/00 // (С12 N7/00, С12 R 1:92)

Inactivated emulsified vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome

(21) 2002127760/13
(22) 16.10.2002
(24) 16.10.2002
(46) 20.09.2004 VIS No.26
(72) T.Z. Baibikov, Ye.K.Dolganova, K.N. Gruzdev, N.S. Dudnikova, I.Ya. Kurman, Ye.P.Baborenko, S.A. Kukushkin., V.L. Gavrilova
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2236254 (13) С2
(51) 7 А61 К39/12, С 12 N 7/00

Method of producing Inactivated emulsified vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome

(21) 2002127848/13
(22) 17.10.2002
(24) 17.10.2002
(46) 20.09.2004 VIS No.26
(72) T.Z. Baibikov., Ye.K.Dolganova, V.V. Mikhalishin, N.S. Dudnikova., I.Ya. Kurman, Ye.P.Baborenko, S.A. Kukushkin.
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2237713 (13) С2
(51) 7 С 12 N 7/00, А61 К39/187 // (С12 N7/00, С12 R 1:93)

Pestis Suum virus strain used for control of vaccine immunogenic and antigenic activity, production of biopreparations for specific prevention and diagnosis of classical swine fever

(21) 2002126943/13
(22) 09.10.2002
(24) 09.10.2002
(45) 10.10.2004 VIS No.28
(72) A.N. Panin., V.I.Chermashentsev, K.N. Gruzdev, N.K. Mischenko, I.A. Pronin, T.Z. Baibikov, A.S.Toloknov, А.А.Shevtsov, A.Yu Filina, S.V. Bezborodova.
(73) All-Russia State Centre for Quality and Standardization of Veterinary Drugs – Centre for Quality of Veterinary Drugs and Feed, Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2242513 (13) С1
(51) 7 С 12 N 7/00, А61 К39/135

1999/No171 А (Georgia) Strain of Type A FMD virus for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2003134133/13
(22) 24.11.2003
(24) 24.11.2003
(45) 20.12.2004 VIS No. 35
(72) T.A. Fomina, V.K. Spirin., A.V. Scherbakov, D.V.Mikhalishin, V.M. Zakharov, Levan G. Ramishvili
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2242994 (13) С1
(51) 7 А61 К39/23, С 12 N 7/00

No.R-72 ARRIAH strain of canine parvovirus for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2003124490/13
(22) 05.08.2003
(24) 05.08.2003
(45) 27.12.2004 VIS No. 36
(72) S.K. Starov, N.I. Gerasimova, T.A. Fomina, V.M. Zakharov, T.V. Khlybova, A.M. Yevseyeev, V. Yu. Fomenko
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2 246 317 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 А61 К39/265, С12 N7/00

Method of producing a virus vaccine against avian infectious laryngotracheitis

(21) 2003116000/13
(22) 28.05.2003
(24) 28.05.2003
(45) 20.02.2005 VIS No. 5
(72) A.V. Bocharnikov, V.Yu. Kulakov, A.V. Borisov, V.N. Kuznetsov, K.Yu. Fedoseyev, Yu. V. Zuyev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health”

(19) RU (11) 2 257 225 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 А61 К39/265, 39/12, А61 Р 31/12

Inactivated emulsified vaccine against avian infectious laryngotracheitis

(21) 2003136944/13
(22) 24.12.2003
(24) 24.12.2003
(45) 27.07.2005 VIS No. 21
(72) V.Yu. Kulakov, A.V. Borisov, A.V. Bocharnikov, V.N. Kuznetsov, K.Yu. Fedoseyev, Yu.V. Zuyev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 258 738 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 С12 N 7/00, А61 К39/15

No. “TE87” strain of Bovine rotavirus (serotype G8P7) for production of diagnostic preparations

(21) 2003136945/13
(22) 24.12.2003
(24) 24.12.2003
(45) 20.08.2005 VIS No. 23
(72) P.K. Ayanot, G.N. Doronenkova, L.B. Prokhvatilova, S.A. Chupin, A.P. Ponomarev, A.M. Timina, G.S. Skitovich
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 259 844 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 А61 К39/17, А61 Р31/12

Virus-vaccine against Newcastle disease

(21) 2004101398/13
(22) 22.01.2004
(24) 22.01.2004
(45) 10.09.2005 VIS No. 25
(72) V.V. Burdeyny, S.K. Starov, V.B. Komissarov, L.V. Burdeynaya, A.M. Yevseyev, V.V. Yelnikov, A.B.Sarbasov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 259 845 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 А61 К39/265, 39/12, А61 Р 31/12

Sorbate inactivated vaccine against infectious laryngotracheitis

(21) 2003136943/13
(22) 24.12.2003
(24) 24.12.2003
(45) 10.09.2005 VIS No. 25
(72) V.Yu. Kulakov, A.V. Borisov, A.V. Bocharnikov, V.N. Kuznetsov, K.Yu. Fedoseyev, Yu.V.Zuyev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 264 458 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 С12 N 7/00, А61 К 39/15// (С12 N 7/00, С12 R 1:92)

No.101 ARRIAH strain of bovine rotavirus for production of diagnostic, vaccine and medical drugs

(21) 2004101590/13
(22) 19.01.2004
(24) 19.01.2004
(45) 20.11.2005 VIS No. 32
(72) V.A. Mischenko (RU), Stepan V. Miskevich (UA), Vladimir G. Skibitsky (UA), O.N. Okulova (RU), T.V. Zhbanova (RU), T.B. Nikeshina (RU)
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 266 326 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 С12 N 7/00, А61 К39/225

“Leningradsky” strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2004106894/13
(22) 09.03.2004
(24) 09.03.2004
(45) 20.12.2005 VIS No. 35
(72) O.S. Puzankova, T.Z. Baibikov, Ye.K. Dolganova, S.A. Kukushkin
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 266 327 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 С12 N 7/00, А61 К39/225

“Krasnodonsky” strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2004107034/13
(22) 09.03.2004
(24) 09.03.2004
(45) 20.12.2005 VIS No.35
(72) O.S. Puzankova, T.Z. Baibikov, Ye.K. Dolganova, S.A. Kukushkin
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 266 328 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 С12 N 7/00, А61 К39/225

“Ilyinogorsky” strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2004107082/13
(22) 09.03.2004
(24) 09.03.2004
(45) 20.12.2005 VIS No. 35
(72) O.S. Puzankova, T.Z. Baibikov, Ye.K. Dolganova, S.A. Kukushkin
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 266 755 (13) С1
(51) МПК7 А61 К39/205, G 01 N 33/569

Rabies virus detection in formalinized samples of animal brain

(21) 2004112106/13
(22) 20.04.2004
(24) 20.04.2004
(45) 27.12.2005 VIS No. 36
(72) A.Ye. Metlin, S.S. Rybakov, A. V. Chepurkin, A.A. Yegorov, K.N. Gruzdev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 268 747 (13) C1
(51) МПК А61 К39/265 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Inactivated sorbate vaccine against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

(21) 2004120861/13
(22) 09.07.2004
(24) 09.07.2004
(45) 27.01.2006 VIS.No. 3
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Oleg I. Getmansky, Yury Ye. Ruchnov, Yury A. Kostyrkin, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Tatyana V. Zhbanova
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 268 933 (13) С1
(51) МПК С12 N 1/20 (2006.01)
А61 К39/102 (2006.01)
С12 R 1/21 (2006.01)

Haemophilus parasuis СК-1 strain – agent of porcine polyserositis for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2004111867/13
(22) 21.04.2004
(24) 21.04.2004
(45) 27.01.2006 VIS No. 03
(72) Valdimir S. Rusaleev, Olga V. Pruntova, Valentin M. Gnevashev, Andrey V. Potekhin, Olga I. Ruchnova, Alexey V. Scherbakov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 268 936 (13) C1
(51) МПК С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 К39/12 (2006.01)
А61 К31/12 (2006.01)

«К-58» strain of infectious bursal disease virus for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2004120617/13
(22) 05.07.2004
(24) 05.07.2004
(45) 27.01.2006 VIS No. 03
(72) Alexander V. Borisov, Vasily N.Kuznetsov, Yuri V. Kuznetsov, Vladimir I. Smolensky
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 268 937 (13) С1
(51) МПК С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 К39/215 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

ARRIAH strain of bovine coronavirus for production of diagnostic and vaccine preparations

(21) 2004120616/13
(22) 05.07.2004
(24) 05.07.2004
(45) 27.01.2006 VIS No.03
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Viktoria V. Dumova, Olga N. Okulova, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Tatyana V. Zhbanova, Alexey P. Ponomarev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 269 361 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/295 (2006.01)
А61 К39/23 (2006.01)
А61 К39/12 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)

Associated inactivated emulsified vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and porcine parvovirus infection

(21) 2004108484/13
(22) 25.03.2004
(24) 25.03.2004
(45) 10.02.2006 VIS No. 4
(72) Taufik Z. Baibikov, Yekaterina K. Dolganova, Natalya S. Dudnikova, Konstantin N. Gruzdev, Sergey A. Kukushkin, Yelena P. Baborenko, Vera L. Gavrilova
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI ARRIAH)

(19) RU (11) 2 269 570 (13) С2
(51) МПК С12 N 1/20 (2006.01)
А61 К39/102 (2006.01)
С12 R1/21 (2006.01)

Haemophilus parasuis IL-1 strain – Glasser’s disease agent for diagnosticum and vaccine production

(21) 2004111866/13
(22) 21.04.2004
(24) 21.04.2004
(45) 10.02.2006 VIS.No.4
(72) Vladimir S. Rusalyeev, Olga V. Pruntova, Valentin M. Gnevashev, Andrey V. Potekhin, Olga. I. Ruchnova, Alexey V. Scherbakov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 271 220 (13) С1
(51) МПК А61 К39/265 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion inactivated vaccine against bovine infectious rhinotracheitis

(21) 2004120862/13
(22) 09.07.2004
(24) 09.07.2004
(45) 10.03.2006 Бюл.№7
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Oleg I. Getmansky, Yury Ye. Ruchnov, Yury A. Kostyrkin, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Tatyana V. Zhbanova
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 272 649 (13) C1
(51) МПК A61 K39/12 (2006.01)
C12 N 7/00 (2006.01)

Virus vaccine against avian infectious bursal disease

(21) 2004128851/13
(22) 29.09.2004
(24) 29.09.2004
(45) 27.03.2006 VIS.No.9
(72) Alexander V. Borisov, Vasily N. Kuznetsov, Yu. V. Kuznetsov, Vladimir I. Smolensky
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 283 136 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/12 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)

Inactivated sorbate vaccine against infectious bursal disease

(21) 2004131938/13
(22) 01.11.2004
(24) 01.11.2004
(45) 10.09.2006 VIS.No.25
(72) Alexander V. Borisov, Vasily N. Kuznetsov, Zoya Ya. Mikhalishina, Vladimir I. Smolensky
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 283 137 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/12 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)

Inactivated emulsion vaccine against infectious bursal disease

(21) 2004131940/13
(22) 01.11.2004
(24) 01.11.2004
(45) 10.09.2006 VIS.No.25
(72) Alexander V. Borisov, Vasily N. Kuznetsov, Zoya Ya. Mikhalishina, Vladimir I. Smolensky
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 294 759 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/135 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion inactivated vaccine against FMD type A

(21) 2005115651/13
(22) 23.05.2005
(24) 23.05.2005
(45) 10.03.2007 VIS.No.7
(72) Valery V. Mikhalishin, Tatyana N. Lyosova, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Dmitry V. Mikhalishin, Nikolay S. Mamkov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 294 760 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/135 (2006.01)
А 61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion sorbate vaccine against FMD type A

(21) 2004137161/13
(22) 21.12.2004
(24) 21.12.2004
(45) 10.03.2007 VIS.No.7
(72) Valery V. Mikhalishin, Tatyana N. Lyosova, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Dmitry V. Mikhalishin, Nikolay S. Mamkov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 295 567 (13) С1
(51) МПК С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
С12 R 1/93 (2006.01)

“KPR-96” strain of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome for diagnosticum and/or vaccine production

(21) 2005119070/13
(22) 20.06.2005
(24) 20.06.2005
(45) 20.03.2007 VIS.No.8
(72) Taufik Z. Baibikov, Sergey A. Kukushkin, Yelena P. Baborenko, Yekaterina K. Dolganova, Vera L. Gavrilova, Ilya A. Teterin
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 297 452 (13) C2
(51) МПК C12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
A61 K39/135 (2006.01)
C12 R1/93 (2006.01)

Asia-1/Tajikistan/2004 (1960) strain of FMDV type A for diagnosticum and/or vaccine production

(21) 2005117538/13
(22) 07.06.2005
(24) 07.06.2005
(45) 20.04.2007 VIS.No.11
(72) Valery M. Zakharov, Konstantin N. Gruzdev, Tamara A. Fomina, Vladimir K. Spirin, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Jurabek M. Muminov, Dmitry V. Mikhalishin, Tatyana N. Lyozova, Jabrayil G. Musiyev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 301 079 (13) C2
(51) МПК A61 K39/215 (2006.01)
A61 P31/12 (2006.01)

Sorbate inactivated vaccine against bovine coronavirus infection

(21) 2005123662/13
(22) 25.07.2005
(24) 25.07.2005
(45) 20.06.2007 VIS.No.17
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Viktoriya A. Dumova, Olga N. Okulova, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Oleg I. Getmansky, Dmitry K. Pavlov, Yelena S. Grishina, Alexey P. Ponomaryov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 302 258 (13) С1
(51) МПК А61 К39/15 (2006.01)
А 61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Sorbate inactivated vaccine against bovine rotavirus infection

(21) 2005135086/13
(22) 11.11.2005
(24) 11.11.2005
(45) 10.07.2007 VIS.No.19
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Olga N. Okulova, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Tatyana V. Zhbanova, Oleg I. Getmansky, Dmitry K. Pavlov, Yelena S. Grishina, Alexey P. Ponomaryov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 316 346 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/12 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion inactivated vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome

(21) 2006105369/13
(22) 20.02.2006
(24) 20.02.2006
(45) 10.02.2008 VIS.No.4
(72) Taufik Z. Baybikov, Sergey A. Kukushkin, Yelena P. Baborenko, Yekaterina K. Dolganova, Vera L. Gavrilova, Ilya A. Teterin
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 323 740 (13) С1
(51) МПК А61 К39/145 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)

“Novosibirsky” strain of avian influenza virus (Influenzae virus avicum) for control of vaccine immunogenic and antigenic activity and biologicals production for diagnosis and specific prevention of avian influenza

(21) 2006130206/13
(22) 21.08.2006
(24) 21.08.2006
(45) 10.05.2008 VIS.No.13
(72) Alexander V. Borisov, Vladimir V. Borisov, Konstantin N. Gruzdev, Vladimir V. Drygin, Timofey B. Manin, Yevgeny A. Neplokonov, Sergey K. Starov, Sergey V. Frolov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 323 741 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 К39/145 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Inactivated emulsion vaccine against avian influenza

(21) 2006121133/13
(22) 14.06.2006
(24) 14.06.2006
(45) 10.05.2008 VIS.No.13
(72) Alexander V. Borisov, Vladimir V. Borisov, Konstantin N. Gruzdev, Vladimir V. Drygin, Timofey B. Manin, Sergey K. Starov, Sergey V. Frolov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 335 537 (13) С2
(51) МПК С12 N 5/06 (2006.01)

Goat gonad cell line Capra hircus L. YADK-04 for animal virus propagation

(21) 2006114337/13
(22) 26.04.2006
(24) 26.04.2006
(45) 10.10.2008 VIS.No.28
(72) Viktor N. Gerasimov, Natalya I. Gerasimova, Lev P. Dyakonov, Konstantin N. Gruzdev, Valery M. Zakharov, Boris L. Manin
(71) (73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 336 303 (13) С1
(51) МПК С12 N 1/00 (2006.01)

“Vladimir” production strain of turkey herpesvirus for production of virus vaccine against Marek’s disease

(21) 2007105785/13
(22) 15.02.2007
(24) 15.02.2007
(45) 20.10.2008 VIS.No.29
(72) Shamshagul K. Kulyashbekova, Alexander V. Borisov, Yelena V. Barros-Paloma, Vladimir I. Smolensky
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 342 157 (13) С1
(51) МПК А61 К39/215 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion inactivated vaccine against bovine coronavirus infection

(21) 2007116081/13
(22) 27.04.2007
(24) 27.04.2007
(45) 27.12.2008 VIS.No.36
(72) Vladimir. A. Mischenko, Victoriya V. Dumova, Vyacheslav V. Lisitcyn, Dmitry K. Pavlov, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Alexander V. Kononov, Yury A. Kostyrkin, Yelena S. Grishina
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 348 690 (13) С2
(51) МПК С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)

“Amursky” strain No.1987 of FMDV type Asia-1 for control of antigenic and immunogenic vaccine activity and for biologicals production for diagnosis and specific prevention of FMD type Asia-1

(21) 2007112591/13
(22) 04.04.2007
(24) 04.04.2007
(45) 10.03.2009 VIS.No.7
(72) Konstantin N. Gruzdev, Svetlana R. Kremenchugskaya, Valery M. Zakharov, Vladimir K. Spirin, Natalya Ye. Kamalova, Aleftina I. Yegorova, Svetlana N. Fomina, Milena V. Zhiltsova, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Anna M. Timina, Dmitry V. Mikhalishin, Tatyana N. Lyozova, Vyacheslav I. Diev
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 366 458 (13) С1
(51) МПК А61 К39/295 (2006.01)
А61 К39/15 (2006.01)
А61 К39/215

Associated vaccine against bovine rotavirus and coronavirus infections

(21) 2008100457/13
(22) 09.01.2008
(24) 09.01.2008
(45) 10.09.2009 VIS.No.25
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Viktoriya V. Dumova, Olga N. Okulova, Alexander V. Kononov, Dmitry K. Pavlov, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Yury A. Kostyrkin, Yelena S. Grishina, Alexey P. Ponomaryov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 378 014 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 39/295 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion inactivated associated vaccine against parainfluenza-3, infectious rhinotracheitis and bovine coronavirus infection

(21) 2007147614/13
(22) 20.12.2007
(24) 20.12.2007
(45) 10.01.2010 VIS.No.1
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Oleg I. Getmansky, Viktoriya V. Dumova, Alexander V. Kononov, Dmitry K. Pavlov, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Yury A. Kostyrkin, Yelena S. Grishina, Olga A. Zinina, Yekaterina G. Pichugina, Yuliya E. Shulik, Alexey P. Ponomaryov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2 378 017 (13) С2
(51) МПК А61 39/395 (2006.01)
С12 N 7/00 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Emulsion inactivated associated vaccine against infectious rhinotracheitis and bovine coronavirus infection

(21) 2007148299/13
(22) 24.12.2007
(24) 24.12.2007
(45) 10.01.2010 VIS.No.1
(72) Vladimir A. Mischenko, Victoriya V. Dumova, Alexander V. Kononov, Oleg I. Getmansky, Dmitry K. Pavlov, Tatyana B. Nikeshina, Yury A. Kostyrkin, Olga A. Zinina, Yelena S. Grishina, Alexey P. Ponomaryov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2389791 (13) C1
(51) МПК C12N7/00 (2006.01.)

“ARRIAH 2003” strain of goat pox virus (Variola virus caprinum) for bilologicals production aimed at goat pox diagnosis and specific prevention

(21) 2008136310/13
(22) 08.09.2008
(24) 08.09.2008
(45) 20.05.2010 VIS. No.14
(72) Vyacheslav I. Diev, Natalya V. Moroz, Darya K. Basova, Galina A. Blotova, Mariya S. Kukushkina, Alexey V. Garkin, Vladimir V. Borisov, Alexey V. Scherbakov, Yelena S. Orlova, Alexey V. Konstantiniov, Yelena A. Yasneva, Valery M. Zakharov
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2396977 (13) C1
(51) МПК А61 К39/275 (2006.01)
С12N7/00 (2006.01.)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Cultural dry virus vaccine against goat pox

(21) 2008147908/13
(22) 04.12.2008
(24) 04.12.2008
(45) 20.08.2010 VIS. No.23
(72) Vyacheslav I. Diev, Natalya V. Moroz, Vladimir V. Borisov, Mariya S. Kukushkina, Galina A. Blotova, Alexey V. Garkin, Darya K. Basova, Valery M. Zakharov, Alexey V. Konstantiniov, Yelena A. Yasneva
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)

(19) RU (11) 2403064 (13) C1
(51) МПК А61 К39/295 (2006.01)
А61 Р31/12 (2006.01)

Cultural dry associated virus vaccine against sheep pox and goat pox

(21) 2009115293/15
(22) 21.04.2009
(24) 21.04.2009
(45) 10.11.2010 VIS. No.31
(72) Vyacheslav I. Diev, Valery M. Zakharov, Natalya V. Moroz, Mariya S. Kukushkina, Darya K. Basova, Vladimir V. Borisov, , Galina A. Blotova, Alexey V. Konstantiniov, Alexey V. Garkin
(73) Federal Governmental Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”)