+7 (800) 600-52-36 +7 (495) 700-01-37

Приемная директора г. Москва

+7 (4922) 26-06-14

Приемная директора г. Владимир

+7 (905) 708-32-67

Отдел маркетинга

+7 (4922) 26-15-51

Отдел услуг по проведению исследований и испытаний

+7 (4922) 26-15-25

Отдел реализации вакцин

+7 (4922) 52-99-29

Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

To Suppliers

To Suppliers

Summarized data on all FGBI “ARRIAH” orders including supply orders, work orders and service orders for the Institution use and federal use are posted on the All-Russian official site: http://zakupki.gov.ru.

To search an order of interest, please, do the following:

  • open the front page of the site: zakupki.gov.ru
  • select “All Orders” in option “Orders” at the left
  • page “Register of Posted Orders” is opened
  • select link “Search in Register” in “Search Options” box
  • page “Selection of Organization” is opened that contains a table where all Russian customers are listed
  • type  the following: 3327100048 (Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of our Institution) or  Federal Governmental Budgetary Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (name of the Institution) in the box “Organization”
  • click  “Search” button and as a result the list of customers in the Table is shortened to  one customer of interest
  • click  on  the name: Federal Governmental Budgetary Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” displayed as underlined blue text that is a hyperlink
  • page “Register of Posted Orders” is opened again with the name of the Institution in box “Customer” of  bar “Search Options”
  • click on button “Search”
  • General list of orders posted by the FGBI “ARRIAH” is opened (subject of each order listed is a hyperlink to the page that contains conditions, documents and other information on the relevant order)

Notice: an application for electronic open tender is submitted through the OAO “Common electronic trading site”: http://etp.roseltorg.ru. The following is required for the application submission:

  • open the front page of the site: http://etp.roseltorg.ru (tab “Tender” should be activated)
  • click on link “Broad Search”
  • type the following: Federal Governmental Budgetary Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” in box “Customer” of  a searching template
  • click button “Find Tender”
  • a common list of  forthcoming FGBI “ARRIAH” tenders is opened (subject of each tender listed is a hyperlink to the relevant tender page)
  • find the tender of interest (tender number is displayed when the courser is moved over its name), proceed to the tender page.
  • click on button “Submit Application for Participation” at the bottom of the opened page

NOTE: actions taken according to this algorithm provide access to the orders including those under unstable site operation in case of the site overrun and modernization. If you did not take the advantage of the algorithm, please, follow the instructions on use given at the following sites: http://zakupki.gov.ru  or http://etp.roseltorg.ru.

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