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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Interlaboratory comparisons (Vladimir)

Interlaboratory comparisons (Vladimir)

Interlaboratory Comparison Provider (ILC Provider) of the Federal State-Financed Institution “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGBI ARRIAH)

Unique number of accreditation record in the register of accredited entities: RA.RU.430258

Address of the ILC Provider: 600901, Russia, Vladimir Oblast, Vladimir, mcr. Yur’evets.

Head of the ILC Provider: Ilya A. Chvala

ILC Provider Quality Manager: Marina N. Zaprudnova

Contact telephone number: +7 (904) 651-59-98; +7 (4922) 26-15-12, 26-17-65, 26-19-88 (ext. 23-93) (from 08.00 a.m. to 03.30 p.m.)

E-mail of the ILC Provider: msi@arriah.ru

In addition to research activities, the Laboratory and Diagnosis Centre of the FGBI ARRIAH currently acts as the Interlaboratory Comparison Provider for the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate inter-oblast veterinary laboratories and reference centres, as well as for other diagnostic veterinary laboratories interested in participation in proficiency testing rounds.

Conditions for participation in ILCs

Laboratories carrying out diagnostic tests in the veterinary field, authorized to perform relevant tests are eligible for participation in the ILCs.

The Provider conducts one ILC round per year for each Programme, in accordance with the approved ILC Plan for the relevant year. A proficiency testing round is conducted when at least two (2) participants have been recruited, irrespective of the availability of the unique number of the accreditation record in the register of accredited entities. If the total number of participants is less than two, the proficiency testing round is cancelled.

ILC participants (Customers) can send their suggestions, complaints or appeals to the ILC Provider via the FGBI ARRIAH e-mail address (mail@arriah.ru) (a link to the model letter of complaint is available at the bottom of the page).

There are specific conditions for ILC programmes No. 5 and No. 13, since the samples contain active rabies virus: the FGBI ARRIAH does not organize ILCs according to programmes No. 5 and No. 13 for foreign participants; a participant shall have a license for handling group 2 pathogenic biological agents; proficiency testing samples shall not be delivered by a transport company.

ILC scheme

The deadlines laid down in the ILC Plan for the relevant year (available at the ILC Provider web-site) shall be strictly observed. If there is a need for any changes in the Plan for the relevant year, the ILC Provider will notify each participant.

1. Submission of application for participation in ILCs (a link to the model application is available at the bottom of the page).

The application shall be sent to the specified e-mail address (msi@arriah.ru) as follows:

  • as a scanned copy of the signed application;
  • as a filled-in Word document.

2. Conclusion of contract (not required for participation within State Programme).

A standard contract on the conduct of ILC signed by the ILC Provider and an invoice will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the application. A link to the standard contract on the conduct of ILC is available at the bottom of the page.

3. Submission of required authorization documents by a participant.

Submission of additional documents, for example a license for handling group 2 pathogenic biological agents, may be requested for participation in certain ILC Programmes.

4. Preparation of proficiency testing samples (PT samples).

5. Provision of PT samples to a participant.

A notice of the date of sample provision is sent to the participants. PT samples can be either picked up by the Customer or delivered by a transport company engaged by the Customer. ILC samples shall be transported chilled. Upon transfer of PT samples, the Customer shall be responsible for the PT sample state and quality, as well for compliance with the recommended transportation conditions.

PT samples can be picked up under power of attorney at the FGBI ARRIAH Pathological Material Reception Unit located at: 600901, Russia, Vladimir Oblast, Vladimir, mcr. Yur’evets. A participant shall notify the ILC Provider of the sample pickup date beforehand (at least one business day in advance) and send a copy of the power of attorney by e-mail (msi@arriah.ru).

6. ILC sample reception notification by a participant.

When the ILC samples arrive at the participant’s laboratory, their state and quality shall be evaluated, the form “Sample reception notice” (a link to the form is available at the bottom of the page) shall be filled in and sent by e-mail (msi@arriah.ru).

7. Result submission by participants.

Results shall be submitted by e-mail (msi@arriah.ru). Non-compliance with the result submission deadlines laid down in the Plan for the relevant year is deemed as failure.

8. Analysis of test results submitted by participants.

9. Provision of Report on ILC round to a participant.

The Report is issued, with participants referred to with codes known to a participant (Customer) and the ILC Provider only to ensure anonymity. An e-copy of the Report is published, in compliance with the confidentiality requirements, on the official web-site of the ILC Provider of the FGBI ARRIAH and in the Federal State Information System of the RusAccreditation. The ILC Provider sends a copy of the Report to a participant to the e-mail address indicated in the application, together with Annex (Certificate of Participation in ILC), which allows for identification of the participant.



Contract on the conduct of ILC

Application for participation in ILC

Rules for filing and consideration of complaints

PT sample reception notice

Model letter of complaint

ILC Plan for 2023


Report 2022.01 on proficiency testing programme No. 01

Report 2022.02 on proficiency testing programme No. 03

Report 2022.03 on proficiency testing programme No. 04

Report 2022.04 on proficiency testing programme No. 05

Report 2022.05 on proficiency testing programme No. 06

Report 2022.06 on proficiency testing programme No. 07

Report 2022.07 on proficiency testing programme No. 08

Report 2022.08 on proficiency testing programme No. 09

Report 2022.09 on proficiency testing programme No. 10

Report 2022.10 on proficiency testing programme No. 11

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