Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Chemical analysis laboratory

Chemical analysis laboratory

Laboratory activities:

The laboratory has modern and high-technology equipment necessary to carry out wide range of tests:

Laboratory personnel carries out active work for updating of existing methods and introduction of new methods for preparation of samples of grain, feeds and food products for determination of  residues of different kinds of xenobiotics. It allows not only to reduce analysis time, but also to reduce costs and to improve environmental laboratory operations.

Screening analysis allows to perform rapid monitoring studies of livestock production originating from the farms of the Vladimir and neighbouring Oblasts. Up-to-date, accurate and highly sensitive equipment allows to obtain reliable results and to satisfy all the demands of the Testing Center’s clients.

Laboratory staff takes part in Russian and international scientific conferences devoted to analytical chemistry testing of food products.

Prospects for the development of the Chemical Analytical Laboratory:

Chemical Analytical Laboratory uses the following equipment for testing:

Hot-air plant for measuring moisture in grain and grain products  АVТU-1 (NPO «Agropribor») Electric furnace «EКPS-10» (ОАО «Smolenskoye SКТB SPU») Soxhlet extraction apparatus SER 148/3 (VELP Scientifica)

Mass spectrometer «Maxis 4G» (Brüker) Gas chromatograph SCION 456-GC (Brüker) Gas chromatograph «Kristall 2000М» (ООО «Khromatek»)

Gas chromatographical unit Khromos GC-1000 (PID, ТID, EZD) (ООО «Khromos») Laboratory plansifter U1-ЕRL-10 (ZAO «Zernotekhnika») Apparatus for determination of falling-number value PChP-5 (Russia)

inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer  Aurora M 90 (Bruker) Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ELAN DRC II (PerkinElmer) Apparatus for determination of granules crumbling  EКG (ZАО «Zernotekhnika»)

Pressurized rapid extraction system PLE (Fuid Management Systems, Inc.) Automated system for solid-phase expression and concentration of samples Dionex Autotrace 280 (Thermo Scientific) Pressurized rapid extraction system Dionex ASE 350 (Thermo Scientific)

Room for testing food products for sensory criteria

Viscosimetric milk analyzer «Somatos-V.1 К» (ООО «Коstip») Fluid analyzer. Ionometric unit Mikon-2-nitrate -nitrite «Expert-001-3» (ООО «Ekonix»)

Spectrophotometer «Shimadzu» UV-2450 PC (Shimadzu) Liquid chromatograph with fluorometric and diode-array detectors Agilent LC-1200 (Agilent)

Automatic clinical chemistry analyzer BioChem FC-360 (BioChem)

High performance semipreparative liquid chromatography  system with UV-detector Varian 940-LC (Varian)

Gas chromatograph with  double quadrupole mass-spectrometer detector QuattroMicroGC (Waters) Gas chromatograph with time-of-flight detector GCT Premier (Waters)

Gas chromatograph Сlarus 680 GC with mass-spectrometer detector SQ 8T (Perkin Elmer) Gas chromatograph Сlarus 600 GC with electron capture detector (Perkin Elmer)

HPLC system with mass-spectrometer detector Quattro Premier XE (Waters) Flexar chromatography system  with fluorometric and diode-array detectors  (Perkin Elmer)

Waters HPLC  liquid chromatograph with refractive index detector (Waters) Capillary electrophoresis system «Kapel 105М» (ООО «Lumex»)

Isotope mass-spectrometer Delta V Advantage (Thermo Scientific) Atomic emission inductively coupled plasma spectrometer  ICPE-9000 (Shimadzu)

Extractor for determination of  cellulose and fibre Dosi-Fiber


Sample preparation system Freedom EVO (Tecan)

Room for testing feeds, grain and grain products   Bakery proofing cabinet «ShRL-065» and laboratory bakery cabinet «ShLKh-065 SPU» («Smolenskoye SКТB SPU»)

Laboratory plansifter RL-5М (Russia) Grain unit scale (1 liter) U1-PKh-1E (GNU VNIIZ of the Russian Agricultural Academy)

Fourier IR spectrometer MPA (Brüker) Fourier IR spectrometer  Frontier (Perkin Elmer)

Mercury analyzer RA-915М («Lumex») Atomic absorption spectrometer MGA-915 МD («Lumex»)

Atomic absorption spectrometer «Кvant-2АТ» with MHS (ООО «Kortek») Laboratory microwave system Mars 240/50 (CEM Corporation)

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