Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Avian Metapneumovirus Test-Kit Manufactured by the FGBI “ARRIAH” Has Successfully Passed the Commissioning Tests


14.07.2015 08:11

Commissioning tests of the single serum dilution ELISA test-kit for detection of antibodies against avian metapneumovirus has been successfully completed at the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinated FGBI “ARRIAH”. The test results demonstrated the test-kit compliance with all safety and quality criteria required by the current standards for diagnostic. The test-kit allows simultaneous detection and evaluation of the levels of humoral antibodies to subtype A and B metapneumoviruses. As for sensitivity and specificity the test-kit is highly competitive with the foreign counterparts and can be recommended for use in the poultry industry.

Current test-kits for ELISA detection of avian metapneumovirus can be significantly different by a number of parameters. First of all these differences depend upon the production virus strain used for antigen production. Foreign counterparts distributed in the Russian market are generally based on the strains isolated in far abroad countries or on “collection” strains; regional specific features are not taken into account and the effectiveness of such test-kit use is thus reduced.

Single serum dilution ELISA test-kit for detection of antibodies against avian metapneumovirus was developed by the researchers of the Reference Laboratory for Avian Diseases at the FGBI “ARRIAH”. The test-kit was developed with due account of current epidemic situation in Russia and neighboring countries. For several years monitoring tests were performed in the laboratory. Domestic candidate metapneumovirus strains of mostly wide-spread subtype A and B viruses were selected. Their immunobiological properties were evaluated and after the commissioning tests the most topical viruses were deposited in the Strain Collection of the FGBI “ARRIAH” and used for the test-kit development.

Such complex approach to the test-kit development can be used only by the largest research centers that have full knowledge of biological properties of field isolates and current situation in the region, have high production capacities and that can forecast the epidemic situation development, assess risks of avian disease introduction and rapidly respond to new threats.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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