Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Chinese Entrepreneur Association Visited the FGBI “ARRIAH”


05.09.2014 12:37

On September 2, 2014 Chinese Entrepreneur Association in Russia comprising Ms. Zai Guizhu, President of Association, Dai Shoshi, attache of the Embassy of People's Republic of China in Russia, Mr. Van Zhosun, Head of the representative office of “Mingpheng (N.K.) Packaging Company Limited”, Li Liqun, Head of the representative office of the Centre for Trade Development and Investments to Europe (China) and Ms. Karpenko E.V. visited the FGBI “ARRIAH” subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor.

The visit of the Chinese representatives to the FGBI “ARRIAH” followed the meeting with Yevgeny Nepoklonov - Deputy Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Russian Chief Veterinary Officer - on FMD, brucellosis, PRRS, epidemic swine diarrhea and other animal disease prevention and control. In the course of negotiations the parties came to understand that measures shall be taken by all the parties and that emerging outbreaks shall be adequately notified, otherwise it can lead to the rapid introduction of the disease into neighboring countries.

As the FGBI “ARRIAH” is a unique Centre for animal health recognized all over the world, the visit was a logical continuation of the meeting between Russian and Chinese parties on issues of scientific cooperation in assurance of national epidemiological safety.

In the course of negotiations the scientists from the FGBI “ARRIAH” provided details on the Centre’s activities, transboundary animal disease situation in the Pacific Region, on disease diagnosis methods as well as on the production of vaccines for avian and animal disease prevention.

Chinese Entrepreneur Association visited the Testing Centre where they learned scientific and practical activity of the Subdivision, as well as the most up-to-date testing equipment.

At the end of the meeting the parties reached agreements on cooperation in assurance of national epidemiological safety and stable buffer zone establishment.

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