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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

International Research-to-Practice Conference "Prospects of Russian Veterinary Science" Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of FGBI ARRIAH


21.11.2018 14:11


On October 26, 2018 the Rosselkhoznadzor-subordinate FGBI “Federal Center for Animal Health” celebrated its 60th anniversary and in accordance with its professional tradition held the International Research-to-Practice Conference "Prospects for Russian Veterinary Science".

More than 130 scientists, leading specialists and guests from Russia, Germany, France, Finland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Jordan, Pakistan, Paraguay, Taiwan and other countries took part in the conference Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Paraguay Denis Lichi, President of the National Service for Animal Health and Agricultural Product Quality Jose Martin Kampercioli, Director of the General Directorate of Quality and Safety of Animal Products of Paraguay Julio Cesar Barrios Amarilla, Director General of the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira Matti Aho. were among the guests at the event.

Honored experts of the FGBI "ARRIAH" focused the guests' attention on the history of the formation of the Federal Center for Animal Health and the formation of a scientific knowledge and practice base recognized by the international scientific community. Starting with FMD virus spread control in 1958, today the FGBI ARRIAH provides scientific support for all activities related to monitoring of various viral infectious diseases, risk assessment of their introduction, spread, prevention and elimination, and implementation of animal health and environmental protection measures not only in Russia, but in the world. The FGBI "ARRIAH" will not stop at what it has accomplished and is going to expand its production base and use the most advanced technological production methods.

In addition, during the sessions of the scientific sections of the conference, the presentations were made on various aspects of diagnosis and prevention of especially dangerous and economically significant animal diseases, in particular, foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease (LSD), viral avian diseases and African swine fever (ASF), being a critical problem in the world.

During the event the guests had an opportunity to assess the scale of the reconstruction and modernization of the laboratory and production facilities of the Center. The participants of the conference noted a significant technological progress and the Centre’s modern equipment that meets international quality standards.

Press Office of the FGBI "ARRIAH"

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