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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Outcome of the FGBI “ARRIAH” participation in the 21st Gold Autumn Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition


23.12.2019 16:08

Gold Autumn 2019, the 21st Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition, timed to the professional holiday, Day of Agrarians and Agriprocessing Industry, took place in the VDNKh exhibition complex in Moscow on October 9 -12, 2019.

Delegation of the Rosselkhoznadzor–subordinated FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” headed by D.A. Lozovoy, Director, took an active part in business and exhibition programmes. The visitors of the FGBI “ARRIAH” booth paid much attention to unique and high-quality services provided by the FGBI “ARRIAH” including highly dangerous animal and avian disease diagnosis and development of methods for their control, production of highly effective vaccines and scientific assistance in their application. The booth visitors noted the FGBI “ARRIAH” veterinary products as having a high potential of promotion in domestic and foreign markets.

The FGBI “ARRIAH” was granted awards in different nominations based on the results of industrial contest “Development, production and introduction of effective veterinary products, effectiveness assessment of anti-epidemic measures taken in the RF Subjects, contagious and noncontagious animal disease eradication and treatment”. The FGBI “ARRIAH” was awarded Gold Medals for development and production of CAPRIPOX test-system for real-time PCR detection of capripoxvirus genome, for development and production of embryo vaccine based on KEM-7 strain with Vacipox diluent against fowl pox, for development and introduction of methodical guidelines for salmon infectious hematopoietic necrosis agent detection with RT-PCR including test result visualization by agarose gel electrophoresis. Also, the Museum of the FGBI “ARRIAH” and Veterinary Service history received a recognition and awarded Gold Medal for contribution to the profession popularization, vocational guidance, preserving traditions and history of veterinary medicine in the region. The FGBI “ARRIAH” Museum exhibition includes Orders and Ordinances on its and its branches establishment as well as materials displaying stages and events of the FGBI “ARRIAH” history. The Centre’s staff-members being the Great Patriotic War participants, workers on the home front as well as staff-members that have worked at the Centre for a long time as well as leading staff-members granted State awards and prizes are given much space at the exhibition. Veterinary Service History since Peter the Great times as well as history of veterinary virology boosting science and veterinary practice are presented in detail. Some materials display the Rosselkhoznadzor establishment, its structure and goals. There are photos and exhibits of last years in the exhibition.

Besides, the FGBI “ARRIAH” was awarded Silver Medal for development, introduction and production of combined inactivated emulsion vaccine against H9N2 avian influenza and Newcastle disease; for development and introduction of the methodical guidelines for identification of genotype VII Newcastle disease virus isolate F and HN gene primary structures with RT-PCR and nucleotide sequencing and awarded Bronze Medal for development and introduction of the methodical guidelines for H9 avian influenza virus RNA with real-time RT-PCR.

Press-office of the FGBI”ARRIAH”

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