Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
50th Anniversary of the FGBI ARRIAH Laboratory for FMD Prevention


17.03.2017 12:03

In December 2016 the FGBI ARRIAH Laboratory for FMD Prevention celebrated 50th Anniversary.

Away back in forties FMD aluminum hydroxide adjuvant formolated vaccine based on aphthae virus was developed for active immunization of cattle against FMD. In fifties FMD inactivated vaccines were produced from culture virus grown in explants of bovine tongue epithelium and calf kidney cell culture and their preventive effectiveness was demonstrated.

Herewith, technology of the vaccine commercial production had a lot of drawbacks and the vaccine did not provide proper immunogenicity, antigenicity and protection that’s why it was decided to establish a laboratory specializing in development of scientific and experimental basis for inactivated FMD vaccine production and control. In 1966 such laboratory was created and it was called Laboratory for inactivated vaccines.

All tests in the laboratory were performed along with many laboratories of the Institute. The laboratory specialists performed a huge amount of experimental and production activities at biofactories of the country manufacturing FMD vaccines. Innocuous and effective sorbate and emulsion mono- and polyvalent vaccines based on lapinized and culture virus were developed and used.

Six Doctor Theses and more than 40 Candidate of Science Theses were defended. Scientific achievements were awarded with more than 90 authorship certificates and patents. The Laboratory specialists published more than 650 scientific papers. Scientific and practical achievements were presented at international congresses, conferences and workshops. A lot of staff members were awarded with governmental awards, VDNH and VVTs medals for scientific and production activities.

Since the time of establishment till the present time the Laboratory has been a unique scientific and experimental base performing fundamental activities aimed at preparation of new production virus strains and wide range of researches aimed at improving and developing new technologies of immunobiological preparations and their commercial production in the FGBI “ARRIAH”, Rosselkhoznadzor and MOA system.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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