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About the Participation of FGBI “ARRIAH” Young Scientist Council Representatives in Roundtable Discussion Meeting “Working” Professions in Labour Market. Problems and Opportunities for Youth of the Vladimir Oblast”


07.06.2016 09:46

Youth Government of the Vladimir Oblast held the roundtable discussion meeting “Working” professions in the labour market. Problems and opportunities for youth of the Vladimir Oblast” in the Vladimir branch of the Financial University on March, 16, 2016.

The meeting addressed the problem of disproportion in the labour market due to lack of technical specialists as well as skilled workers in the sphere of agriculture.

The subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” was represented by young scientists, members of FGBI “ARRIAH” Young Scientist Council.

The participants of the roundtable meeting discussed current trends of career choice by youth of the Vladimir Oblast as well as Russian youth in the whole. They also discussed the shortage of specialists in some spheres and glut on unemployed graduates in the others.

To develop the mechanism for the solution of this problem, the participants of the roundtable meeting identified the reasons for unpopularity and low prestige value of “working” professions. M. Maltseva, Deputy Director of the Department for Labour and Employment of the Vladimir Oblast Administration addressed this problem in her statement. The following reasons for unpopularity of such professions were named: uncomfortable working conditions (absence of good infrastructure in rural areas, difficult working conditions in the factories, etc.) and insufficient wages. Besides, public opinion does not consider these professions to be prestigious and high-status.Начало формы

During the analysis and discussion of these facts, the roundtable participants developed the basic ways of solving this problem.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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