Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
Delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Iraq Visits FGBI ARRIAH


29.06.2016 15:06

In April, 2016 a delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture paid an official visit to the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor. The main goal of the visit was to see and assess production facilities for their compliance with the GMP international requirements related to exports of FMD vaccines to the Republic of Iraq within the scientific and technical cooperation and to hold scientific consultations on highly dangerous animal diseases.

The FGBI ARRIAH experts informed the delegation on the research activities of the Centre focusing on methods of FMD diagnosis and FMD vaccine development and use. In addition to it, the sides also discussed diagnosis, prevention and control of lumpy skin disease and sheep and goat pox applied in the FGBI ARRIAH. Experts of the Centre provided a detailed report on FMD epizootic situation in the Middle East and on epizooty in South-East Asia.

The guests noted that alongside with the need for vaccine, the country also needs to carry out a great number of tests and to implement epizootic monitoring.

Taking into account experience gained by the FGBI ARRIAH in diagnostic and preventive measures ensuring control and eradication of epizooties, the Iraqi delegation expressed its interest in further cooperation in general therapeutic and preventive issues.

Press Centre of the FGBI ARRIAH

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