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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Delegation of Paraguay Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Paid Official Visit to FGBI ARRIAH


26.11.2018 10:04

On October 26, 2018 the official delegation from the Paraguay Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock headed by Denis Lichi, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Paraguay, visited the FGBI ARRIAH. The delegation also included José Carlos Martin Camperchioli, President of the National Service of Quality and Animal Health (SENACSA), and Dr. Julio Cesar Barrios Amarilla, Director of the General Office for Quality and Safety of Animal Products.

The meeting was held in the framework of the research and practice conference “Prospects of the Russian Veterinary Medicine” devoted to the 60th Anniversary of the FGBI ARRIAH.

The talks were devoted to cooperation in the field of animal health and, in particular, to FMD prevention. Dmitry Lozovoy, the FGBI ARRIAH Director, mentioned that veterinary products manufactured in the institution are of high quality, which is confirmed by different international statuses. He also expressed readiness to render assistance in developing highly effective FMD vaccines based on the relevant strains. Denis Lichi, Minister of Agriculture, highly praised the FGBI ARRIAH’s potential and proposals made by the ARRIAH experts. The parties agreed on cooperation through research projects on technical assistance to ensure disease freedom in the Republic of Paraguay.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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