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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Delegation of Representatives of Chief Directorate for Animal Health and Veterinary Medicinal Products of Republic of Italy and Institute of Experimental Zooprophylaxis (IZS PLV) Visited FGBI "ARRIAH"


15.11.2019 11:38

On October 31, 2019 a delegation of representatives of the Chief Directorate for Animal Health and Veterinary Medicinal Products of the Republic of Italy including Director General, Chief Veterinary Officer Silvio Borrello, Director General of the Institute of Experimental Zooprophylaxis for the Regions of Piedmont , Liguria and Valle d’Aosta (IZS PLV) Angelo Ferrari and IZS PLV Veterinary Officer Daniela Meloni visited the Rosselkhoznadzor-subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health”. The purpose of the visit was to discuss issues of bilateral scientific and technical cooperation.

During the meeting the specialists of the FGBI “ARRIAH” informed the visitors about the activities and scientific and technical achievements of the institution. In particular, the activities of the Testing Center for quality and safety assessment of animal products were noted. In addition, issues of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) surveillance in the Russian Federation, as well as measures for prevention and control of animal infectious diseases based on the example of ASF were discussed.

In conclusion the agreement on cooperation between the scientific institutions of Russia and Italy was signed. The agreement provides for the interaction of the parties in conducting joint activities, including exchange of experience, post graduate programs, internship and training of early career researchers and specialists at the institution. Within the framework of the signed agreement, the parties plan to jointly elaborate scientific programs that will facilitate partner relations in the future and become the basis for strengthening and developing interaction between scientists of the two countries.

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