As a result of the research on the biological properties of Schmallenberg disease virus isolated in the RF territory a strain of Schmallenberg disease virus has been obtained in the Reference Laboratory for Cattle Diseases of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “ARRIAH” with a view of being used for developing domestic diagnostic test kits.
The results of commission testing have suggested that the obtained strain sample is free from bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma contamination; only Schmallenberg disease virus free from contamination with potential foreign viruses has been detected in the strain sample PCR control; the moisture content in the strain sample after lyophilization makes 3,0%; the infectivity of the strain sample in permissive cell cultures has been within 3,0-4,0 lgTCID50/cm3 range; the conducted phylogenetic analysis has shown that the strain under study has 100 % homology to the reference nucleotide isolates/strains sequences deposited in the International GenBank Database.
Based on the results of the comprehensive assessment of immunobiological properties the strain has been deposited with the number Schmallenberg Disease Virus SDV/Kaliningrad/2016 (D) to the FGBI “ARRIAH” Collection of microorganism strains.