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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Director of FGBI “ARRIAH” Dmitry Lozovoy to Participate in the Round Table Discussion within the IV Vladimir Interregional Economic Forum


12.09.2016 11:24

Director of FGBI “ARRIAH” Dmitry Lozovoy will participate in the round table discussion “Consumer market. Fair competition as an incentive for economic development in the Vladimir Oblast” within the IV Vladimir Interregional Economic Forum “Small and medium-sized businesses – time to be leaders. Invest in development, act one step ahead” (Vladimir) and will make a speech “Detection of adulterated dairy products as a tool of robust competition”.

Social organizations, public authorities, regulatory bodies, local authorities and business representatives will take part in the round table discussion. They will discuss safety issues and mechanisms of joint consumer market regulation. The forum will last till May 28. It is going to be a dialogue between business representatives, representatives of federal and regional authorities, social structure development institutions as well as the Russian and international expert community. The main objective is to reach an agreement on cooperation between small and middle-sized businesses, international and interregional product exchange, and signing mutually beneficial agreements. The forum is organized with the support of the Vladimir Oblast Administration.

Press Office FGBI ARRIAH

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