On September 13, 2016 the meeting of expert group from the CIS countries devoted to the harmonization of draft Agreement on Veterinary Cooperation in new edition which had been adopted on March 12, 1993 was held in the headquarters of the CIS Executive Committee (Moscow).
Representatives of Republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzia, Uzbekistan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan and Ukraine and the CIS Executive Committee took part in the meeting. The Russian Federation was presented by Deputy Director of the MoA Veterinary Department P. Smyshlyayeva, Senior Specialist of the FGBI “VGNKI” A. Tsaplina and Chief Expert of the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health”, subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor A. Rakhmanov.
The meeting was opened by Deputy Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation within the CIS Executive Committee A. Kuli-Zade. Deputy Minister, Director of the Department for Veterinary and Food Surveillance of the Belarusian MoAF A. Subbotin took the chair. The participants discussed draft Agreement approved by the meeting of Intergovernmental Council for Veterinary Cooperation on May 12, 2016 and then amended in light of comments and proposals from the Republics of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russian Federation and Ukraine as well as draft Statute of Intergovernmental Council for Veterinary Cooperation in new edition which had been adopted on December 26, 1995. The Republics of Belarus and Kyrgyzia reported that they had no comments to the said documents. The participants of the meeting approved the draft Agreement updated in the light of the comments and proposals of the CIS countries and after discussion by the meeting participants and took a decision to forward the draft Agreement together with the draft Statute to the CIS Governments for approval and further consideration according to the established procedure.
FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office