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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Epidemic situation on animal highly dangerous diseases worldwide in November 2014


05.12.2014 11:25

According to information of the World Organisation for Animal Health 2,657 outbreaks of animal highly dangerous diseases were registered worldwide in November 2014.

Four outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) among wild boars were reported from Russia: Moscow Oblast, Narofominsk Raion, Machikhino; Bryansk Oblast, Starodub Raion, Shershevichi; Kaluga Oblast, Tarusa Raion, Lopatino and Zhukovsky Raion, Zavorovo. ASF outbreaks were also confirmed by Latvia (27), Lithuania (13) and Poland (2).

Bluetongue (MCF) virus continues its spread in the territory of Europe. During the last month the disease outbreaks were registered in Bulgaria (263), Hungary (51), Greece (1,538), Italy (174), Macedonia (57), Romania (90), Serbia (300), Turkey (3) and Montenegro (15). For the first time in ten years the virus was detected in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) and Croatia (25).

Veterinary services of China confirmed officially 1 outbreak of type O FMD among pigs, the outbreak was reported from the eastern part of the country (Sizhao, Dongtai, Dongdai, JIANGSU). FMD outbreaks were continued to be diagnosed in November in Tunis (10) and RSA (2).

In the USA 24 outbreaks of vesicular stomatitis were recorded among horses and cattle. One outbreak of classical swine fever was registered in Latvia and 2 outbreaks were reported from Mongolia. One outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy was found in Portugal. Lumpy skin disease outbreaks were continued to be recorded in Azerbaijan (14), equine contagious metritis was registered in RSA (1), West Nile fever was reported from Greece (3) and anthrax was detected in Croatia (1).

First cases of contagious agalaxia of sheep and goats were reported from Great Britain (1), transmissible gastroenteritis of swine was found in Argentina (1).

As for avian diseases, the outbreaks of the following diseases were confirmed: Newcastle disease in Botswana (7), Israel (1), Romania (1) and on Saint Helena Island (7); highly pathogenic avian influenza in India (2) and Japan (2), as well as low pathogenic avian influenza in RSA (5). Veterinary services of Great Britain (1), Germany (2) and the Netherlands (3) informed about outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza.

Specialists of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Information and Analytical Centre continue to monitor an epidemic situation development among animals and birds worldwide.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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