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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Epidemic Situation on Highly Dangerous Diseases in the World in January 2016


29.02.2016 14:01

According to the OIE 443 outbreaks of highly dangerous diseases were reported in the world in 2016.

Two ASF outbreaks were reported in Penza and Pskov Oblasts of Russia. ASF outbreaks were also reported in Ukraine (4), Latvia (98), Lithuania (12), Poland (4), and Estonia (116).

Highly pathogenic avian influenza was reported in Hong Kong (1), Vietnam (5), China (2), Cote d'Ivoire (13), India (1), Nigeria (72), Taiwan (17), and France (6). HPAI has been reported in the USA for the first time since 2015.

Bluetongue outbreaks are still being reported in Austria (1), France (14), Montenegro (3), and Croatia (1). Besides, three bluetongue outbreaks of different serotypes were reported in previously free Brazil.

Newcastle disease is reported in Israel (7). CSF (3) and sheep and goat pox (14) outbreaks were registered in Mongolia. Reports on lumpy skin disease outbreaks were received from Greece (6) and previously free Armenia (1).

New FMD outbreaks were reported in Iran (1), Malawi (1), and South Korea (2). An FMD outbreak was registered in Armenia which had been previously free from the disease.

Israeli Veterinary Services informed about epizootic hemorrhagic disease outbreaks (13).

LPAI is still registered in France (7) as well as in previously free countries, Britain (Scotland) (1) and the USA (8).

Brucellosis outbreak, caused by Brucella suis bacteria, was reported in Finland (1).

Specialists of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Informational and Analytical Centre keep track of global disease situation in wild animals, livestock, and birds.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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