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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Epidemic situation on highly dangerous diseases worldwide in 2014


16.01.2015 08:51

According to data for 2014 of the World Organisation for Animal Health 10,865 outbreaks of animal highly dangerous diseases were registered worldwide.

In Russia outbreaks of the following highly dangerous diseases were recorded during the last year:

- african swine fever – 73 outbreaks (Volgograd, Moscow, Kaluga, Tula, Bryansk, Rostov, Smolensk, Belgorod, Tver, Pskov, Novgorod, Voronezh Oblasts); it was also reported from Latvia (167), Lithuania (47), Poland (31), Ukraine (11), Estonia (7), Cote d'Ivoire (2) and Chad (1);

- classical swine fever – 4 outbreaks (Amursk and Bryansk Oblasts); veterinary services of Latvia (51), Columbia (14) and Mongolia (3) reported about outbreaks of the disease;

- foot and mouth disease – 11 outbreaks (Zabaykalsky and Primorsky Krais); the occurrence of outbreaks was also confirmed by Algeria (420), Tunis (150), DPRK (24), Mongolia (15), Zimbabwe (8), China (7), South Korea (6), RSA (4), Botswana (3), Mozambique (3), Guinea (2), Israel (2), Namibia (2), Kyrgyzstan (1), Uganda (increase in morbidity or mortality);

- highly pathogenic avian influenza – 3 outbreaks (Altay Krai – Novichikhinsky Rayon, Dolgovo and Ilyinsky settlements; Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – Abyysky ulus, Byelaya Gora settlement); outbreaks were registered in China (58), Vietnam (49), South Korea (30), Japan (12), Canada (11), India (6) as well as in Germany (5), Cambodia (5) and Netherlands (5), DPRK (3), USA (3), Great Britain (1), Italy (1), Laos (1), Lebanon (1), Nepal (1) and Taiwan (1).

127 outbreaks of rabies were officially confirmed in 2014: Taiwan (112), Greece (11), Uruguay (3) and Republic of the Congo (1). Bluetongue outbreaks were registered in the following countries: Greece (2,895), Bulgaria (1,353), Italy (1,071), Romania (1,113), Serbia (456), Macedonia (296), Botswana (77), Hungary (77), Croatia (51), Montenegro (23), Albania (22), Turkey (4), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3) and Cyprus (1).

During the last year 433 outbreaks of vesicular stomatitis were reported from the USA. Veterinary services of Turkey (230), Lebanon (32), Azerbaijan (16), Iraq (16), Egypt (6) and Iran (6) informed about outbreaks of lumpy skin disease.

Outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy were detected in territories of Germany (2), Romania (2), Brazil (1) and Portugal (1). Outbreaks of sheep pox and goat pox were officially confirmed in Greece (30), Bulgaria (2) and Israel (1).

Newcastle disease outbreaks were reported from Israel (40), Botswana (20), Saint Helena Island (12), Algeria (5), Sweden (3) and Romania (1). Mauritania and Senegal informed about 2 outbreaks of bovine contagious pleuropneumonia in each country in 2014.

Veterinary services of China reported about 242 outbreaks of peste des petits ruminants in the last year; the disease was also registered in Bhutan (3) and Republic of the Congo (increase in mortality). Outbreaks of African horse sickness were officially confirmed by veterinary services of RSA (38) as well as Mozambique (2) and Swaziland (2).

Outbreaks of Rift Valley fever were registered in Botswana (2) and Senegal (1).

Besides the diseases listed above, 878 outbreaks of not making a former list A animal diseases were registered worldwide during the last year. These diseases are as follows: anthrax, porcine epidemic diarrhea, porcine coronavirus enteritis, PRRS, West Nile fever, low pathogenic avian influenza, bovine anaplasmosis, caprine arthritis/encephalitis, Aujeszky’s disease, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), brucellosis (B. Abortus and B. melitensis), Venezuelan and Eastern equine encephalitis, equine infectious anemia, contagious agalactia, contagious equine metritis, etc.

Specialists of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Information and Analytical Department continue to monitor the epidemic situation among animals and birds worldwide. The more detailed information is available on the Rosselkhoznadzor’s site, section “Epidemic situation”, “IAD’s reports”.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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