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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Experts of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Reference Laboratory for Avian Virus Diseases Took part in the First Rounds of Interlaboratory Comparisons


12.09.2016 11:46

The Reference Laboratory for Avian Virus Diseases within the FGBI “ARRIAH” subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor took part in the first rounds of the interlaboratory comparisons organized by the Dutch Animal Health Service, Deventer (R&D GD), the Netherlands. The R&D GD has an official accreditation in compliance with ILAC-G13:2007 for the organization of interlaboratory comparison tests for a number of infectious animal diseases.

The laboratory staff members performed testing of coded chicken serum panels using a commercial ELISA test kit for the detection of IBV antibodies manufactured by the FGBI “ARRIAH”. The second coded sample panel contained chicken kidney tissue culture fluid or suspension containing different IBV strains at different concentrations. All the samples were identified correctly.

Interlaboratory comparison test results once again confirmed the laboratory staff expertise as well as the sensitivity, susceptibility and reproducibility of the commercial test kit produced by the FGBI “ARRIAH” used for chicken IB diagnosis.

Press Office of the FGBI “ARRIAH”

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