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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI “ARRIAH Branch in the Republic of Crimea – Competency confirmation and Expansion of the Scope of Accreditation


06.02.2019 15:56

In September 14-15, 2018 the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” in the Republic of Crimea was inspected for its compliance with the scope of accreditation (Competency confirmation and expansion of the scope of accreditation) GU10168.

The team of experts verified tests (tasks) performed by the specialists of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Branch in the Republic of Crimea. During the examination the specialists used the following methods: ELISA, HI test, atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectrometry, microbiological method, hydrometer test, indicator method, ionometric technique, dried-droplet method, and PCR.

The accreditation for 60 techniques was confirmed: microbiological, chemical and toxicological, radiological, physical and chemical techniques, detection of antibiotics and mycotoxins by ELISA in food, immunological and genetic test methods. The scope of accreditation was expanded by 52 methods.

At the end of the onsite inspection the expert assessed the proficiency of the laboratory workers. It was concluded that the FGBI “ARRIAH” Branch in the Republic of Crimea complies with the accreditation criteria approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade No 326, as of May 30, 204 and GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 “General requirements for the competency of testing and calibration laboratories” in the declared scope of accreditation (Order as of November 01, 2018 No Pk1-2176, issued by the Federal Service for Accreditation, Rosaccreditation).

Taking into account the goals set by the Rosselkhoznadzor the FGBI “ARRIAH” Branch in the Republic of Crimea is preparing to proceed expanding the scope of accreditation.

FGBI ARRIAH Press Office

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