The 14th meeting of the OIE/FAO FMD Reference Laboratory network organized by the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency of the Republic of South Korea was held in Pusan (South Korea) on December 3 – 5, 2019.
The OIE/FAO FMD Reference Laboratory network meeting was aimed at getting modern data on FMD occurrence in the world, FMD control and surveillance, understanding of global FMD virus spread patterns for the purpose of threat identification and adoption of specific FMD prevention recommendations, improvement of quality of laboratory tests performed at international and national reference laboratories.
Reports on current FMD epidemic situation in the regions of competence were made by representatives of the OIE/FAO Reference Laboratories (WRLFMD – Great Britain, FGBI “ARRIAH” - Russia, ANSES – France, SCIENSANO - Belgium, IZSLER - Italy, QIA – South Korea, NCFAD - Canada, PANAFTOSA - Brazil, LVRI - China, RRLSEA - Thailand) and international organizations (OIE, FAO). FMD virus spread trends by continents were defined.
Svetlana Fomina, Head of the Reference Laboratory for FMD Diagnosis of the FGBI “ARRIAH” subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor made a report on current FMD situation on behalf of the OIE FMD Reference Laboratory (FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health (ARRIAH)). At the end of the meeting, participants discussed aspects of FMD virus nomenclature, communication on the virus genetic properties, establishing criteria for quality assessment of applied specific preventive vaccines.
Press-Office FGBI “ARRIAH”