During the period from May 11 to May 13, 2016 the regular session of the CIS Intergovernmental Council for Veterinary Cooperation was held in Kositchi village, Brest Oblast, Republic of Belarus. Heads and representatives of the national veterinary services of the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan participated in the Council session and they informed of the current epidemic situation in their countries.
Topical issues of joint actions of CIS veterinary services were discussed during the session. On behalf of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” basic reports were delivered by D. Lozovoy, Director (Implementation of the Decision of the Council of CIS State Leaders of May 30, 2014 on the Complex of CIS Joint Measures for FMD Prevention and Control until 2020) and A. Metlin, Chief Technologist (Rabies epizootic and epidemic situation in the CIS countries and rabies control measures).
The information presented in the reports was approved by the Council Decision. Being a coordinator of the activities and measures under the Complex of Joint Measures as well as in view of the above mentioned discussions the FGBI “ARRIAH” was assigned to finalize the information and submit it to the CIS Executive Committee before June 1, 2016 for further review by the highest authorities. In addition, by the next session the FGBI “ARRIAH” as an OIE Collaboration Centre for Animal Disease Diagnosis and Control for East Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia has to prepare a draft Complex of CIS Joint Measures for Rabies Prevention and Control until 2025.
The Rosselkhoznadzor was represented by K. Savenkov, Head of the Directorate for International Cooperation and Veterinary Control of Export/Import and Transportation. Konstantin Savenkov made the following reports: “New Revision of the Agreement on Veterinary Cooperation of March 12, 1993 and Regulation on Intergovernmental Council for Veterinary Cooperation” and “Amended Draft Uniform Rules for Veterinary Surveillance of International and Interstate Movements of Livestock Consignments”.A. Kuli-Zade, Deputy Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee, made the following reports: “Plan of Measures for Implementation of Stage III (2016-2020) of the Strategy for Economic Development until 2020 by the CIS countries, which was approved by the Council of the Heads of CIS States on October 30, 2015”, “Joint Meeting of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS Members to Statutory Bodies and other Institutions of the Community and to the Commission for Economic Issues under the CIS Economic Council” and “Decision of the Council of the Heads of States of May 29, 2015 on the Concept of Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation of the CIS Members until 2020 and Plan of Measures for its Implementation”.
Afield of the meeting K. Savenkov, D. Lozovoy and A. Metlin held business negotiations with the representatives of the veterinary services of the CIS members and discussed extension of cooperation aimed at disease freedom in the Community. The next meeting of the CIS Intergovernmental Council for Veterinary Cooperation is scheduled for the second quarter of 2017.
FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office