Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
FGBI “ARRIAH” Experts took part in 14th International Exhibition “AGROFARM 2020”


28.02.2020 11:44

The staff members of the Unit for Farmed Animal Disease Diagnostics and Prevention within the FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor Roman Yashin, Vladimir Mischenko and Pavel Prutnikov as well as Chief Researcher of the Information and Analysis Centre (FGBI “ARRIAH”), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K.N. Gruzdev took part in the International Exhibition of Animal Husbandry and Animal Breeding AGROFARM -2020, held by JSC “VDNH”, Moscow.

Domestic and foreign companies presented a wide variety of modern equipment and technologies as well as breeding animals at the show. Scientists and practitioners discussed improvement in competitive production and other vital industrial issues within seminars and symposiums held.

The FGBI “ARRIAH” together with the Veterinary Department of the RF MoA organized a round table discussion on practical aspects of maintaining disease freedom in cattle and small ruminant farming for veterinarians, animal husbandry specialists and business operators. The participants and attendees commended the event and took a vivid interest in FGBI “ARRIAH” activities.

During the round table discussion Deputy Director of the RF MoA Veterinary Department A.A. Mukovnin, and leading experts like M.I. Gulyukin (Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences), O.D. Sklyarov (Doctor of Veterinary Sciences), V.A. Mischenko (Professor) and etc. discussed epidemic situation in different livestock production types in near future, and animal disease control modern tendencies and strategies, prevention tools and combating infectious disease spread.]

FGBI “ARRIAH” employees made reports on the following topics:

Peculiarities of FMD epidemiology, control and prevention measures in the Russian Federation; Relevant infections of small ruminants: peste des petits ruminants, sheep and goat pox; Lumpy skin disease: modern epidemic situation, diagnostics and control measures; Economically significant cattle infections: modern tools to prevent calve pneumoenteritis.

K. Gruzdev made a report on ASF biosafety in pig production within the Seminar on Safety of Pig Production.

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