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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI “ARRIAH” Experts Took Part in VIth International Veterinary Congress


29.06.2016 10:58

During the period from April 12 to April 15, 2016, experts from the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” took part in the VIth International Veterinary Congress (Sochi) that consolidated all bodies and structures of the national veterinary sector, i.e. National Veterinary Service, National unions and public associations, heads and experts of the animal and poultry product manufacturing plants, academicians, private veterinarians.

During the opening ceremony of the VIth Veterinary Congress welcome words were pronounced by the representatives of the RF Ministry of Agriculture, Rosselkhoznadzor, Krasnodar Krai Administration, Russian Veterinary Association, Russian Poultry Union, National Pork Producers’ Association and National Union of Milk Producers. Honorary awards of the Congress, RF Ministry of Agriculture, Rosselkhoznadzor and Russian Veterinary Association were also handed out.

During the Congress traditional exhibition was organized that included veterinary and medical equipment, drugs for animal disease treatment and prevention, instruments and appliances for animal treatment and management, feed and feed additives and specialized literature. In addition, scheduled meeting of the Heads of the Veterinary Services of the RF Subjects and Rosselkhoznadzor Territorial Administrations was held. A number of conferences and round tables were also organized.

Inter alia, a conference “Burning veterinary issues of dairy and meat farming” was held along with round tables on viral diarrhea and emerging bovine diseases. The main subjects of the presentations included new and re-emerging dangerous diseases of cattle and small ruminants; current situation on bovine diseases in Russia, EU countries and in the USA; FMD – up-to-date facts and topical issues of the disease control. Reports based on the experience of the infectious disease control and prevention were also made. Both Russian and foreign experts participated in the conference. A. Mischenko, Candidate of Science (Veterinary Medicine), Deputy Director of the FGBI “ARRIAH” took part in the conference as a speaker.

On the conference “Up-to-date research and developments for poultry industry” the FGBI “ARRIAH” was represented by V. Irza, Candidate of Science (Veterinary Medicine). Current situation in poultry industry, issues related to animal disease freedom and their solving, special aspects of the programs for vaccination and specific prevention of avian viral diseases, epidemic situation on poultry diseases in Russia were discussed during the event.

During the conference “Topical veterinary issues in pig industry” the FGBI “ARRIAH” was represented by D. Lozovoy, Candidate of Science (Veterinary Medicine) and K. Gruzdev, Doctor of Biology, Professor, Honoured Veterinarian of the RF, Chief Expert on Porcine Diseases of the FGBI “ARRIAH”. The conference included round tables on PPRS, ASF and CSF, viral gastroenteritis and biosafety. The basic presentations focused on the issues of ASF and CSF in the RF and in the world; porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome; biosafety on the pig farms (Danish, Belgian, Spanish, US and Polish experience); specific features of pig production and animal disease situation in China; issues of imports substitution.

In addition, the following events were also organized during the Congress:

Conferences: System of veterinary risk analysis and management used for decision making and Infectious diseases of small ruminants;

Round tables: Viral diarrhea – mucosal disease; Issues of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome control; Issues of African swine fever and classical swine fever; Aquaculture – veterinary attendance; Equine diseases; Bee diseases; Genetics and selection.

The following presentations were made by the FGBI “ARRIAH” representatives:

Foot-and-mouth disease – topical issues of the disease control (A. Mischenko, FGBI “ARRIAH”, Candidate of Science (Veterinary Medicine)); Highly pathogenic avian influenza. Current global situation and threat of the disease spread in the RF – V. Irza, Chief Expert, Doctor of Science (Veterinary Medicine)); African swine fever, 2015 – K. Gruzdev, Chief Expert, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor, Honoured Veterinarian of the RF) Examination of molecular and genetic properties of the viriability of ASFV circulating in the RF – N. Vlasova (Chief Researcher, Doctor of Science (Biology)); Epidemic monitoring of fish diseases in the RF and improvement of methods used for fish disease diagnosis.

The FGBI “ARRIAH” researchers took part in the round table meetings and participated in the discussions. The presentations made by the FGBI “ARRIAH” representatives aroused vivid interest of the foreign and Russian participants of the conferences. K. Gruzdev was a moderator of a conference and two round tables.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-office

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