Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
FGBI “ARRIAH” has received the “winner” title in the category “Production of industrial-technical purpose” of the regional stage of the competition “100 best products of Russia”


24.08.2018 11:58

The Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” has received the “winner” title in the category “Production of industrial-technical purpose” of the regional stage of the competition “100 best products of Russia” for the following products:

Inactivated emulsion FMD vaccine “ARRIAH-VAC”, Real-time PCR test-system for detection of field isolates of lumpy skin disease virus genome (test system “LUMPY SKIN DISEASE RT-PCR”), Virus vaccine against infectious bursal disease "Gamboromix”.

Being the winner of the regional stage, the FGBI "ARRIAH" is currently preparing for participation in the federal stage of the competition.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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