From April 23 to April 25, 2018 the VIII International Veterinary Congress “One World – One Health” was held in Moscow. The congress was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Russian Veterinary Association.
The Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” took an active part in the Congress activities. At the FGBI ARRIAH booth the leading researchers consulted on infectious animal and poultry disease prevention, presented pilot vaccines and diagnostic kits as well as introduced methodical and informational handout materials that were in great demand with the visitors. The Centre’s officials were specifically appreciated for the publications including Veterinary Science Today journal (included in the RSCI) and branch newspaper “Veterinaria i zhizn” that publishes current epidemic data, relevant regulatory documents, topical issues of veterinary science and livestock industry. The activities performed by the FGBI ARRIAH attracted vivid interest of mass media. The Centre’s activities aimed at animal health, manufacture of high quality biopreparations and research cooperation with branch establishments were the key issues touched upon in the interviews.
That were the FGBI ARRIAH researchers, who moderated the research conferences thus emphasizing the high level and acknowledgement of the Centre’s research potential.
Virology as well as Virology and Diagnosis sessions of the conference “Innovatory technologies in industrial poultry breeding” were moderated by Viktor Irza, Doctor of Science (Veterinary Medicine), Chief Expert of the FGBI ARRIAH. He reported on highly pathogenic avian influenza as well as on lessons learnt and forecasts of the AI epidemics. Dr. Irza announced HPAI statistics in over 60 countries for 2016-2017 and global history of AI outbreaks from October 2016 to September 2017. Detection of HPAI in 2018 was reported separately. Specific interest was excited by the information on measures taken in case of AI suspicion. Viktor Irza clarified basic points of interest, and inter alia he emphasized that highly pathogenic avian influenza cannot be diagnosed using serological tests.
Information on measures taken in case of avian influenza suspicion was of particular interest. Victor Irza answered the major questions and in particular noted that highly pathogenic avian influenza could not be diagnosed by serological methods.
Konstantin Gruzdev, Professor, Doctor of Biology, Chief Researcher of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Information Analysis Centre, was a moderator of the Conference “Current issues of industrial pig breeding” and made a presentation on African swine fever epidemic situation in 2017 during penal discussion on ASF. He focused on ASF outbreaks in wild boars and domestic pigs and presented a strategy for ASF control and eradication in the Russian Federation regions.
Artyom Metlin, PhD (Veterinary Medicine), Deputy Director of the FGBI “ARRIAH”, was a moderator of the Panel Discussion “Anthropozoonoses” and made a presentation on rabies epidemic situation and control in Russia. Information on rabies exposed regions in the Russian Federation for the third quarter of 2017 and dynamics of rabies cases in animals in the RF for 2012-2017 as well as on measures for rabies control in wild animals and measures taken in urban areas including strengthening of legislation on animal keeping was provided.
Alexander Kononov, Candidate of Science (Veterinary Medicine), Head of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Laboratory, made a presentation on lumpy skin disease (LSD) current epidemic situation, diagnosis and prevention peculiarities at the Conference “Current issues in dairy and beef farming”. He addressed to key factors of the infection and disease specific clinical picture. He paid special attention to complex LSD diagnosis performed at the FGBI “ARRIAH” and LDS prevention.
The Congress participants noted high professionalism of experts, programme intensity and current importance of addressed issues of livestock and poultry establishments’ operation under modern conditions as well as global epidemic safety threats and risks.
The Congress Organizing Committee expressed its appreciation to the FGBI “ARRIAH” for the Congress participation and support.
FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-office