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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI «ARRIAH” Participates in 12th International Exhibition of Livestock, Dairy and Fisheries Industry Indo Livestock 2017


02.08.2017 13:28

On May 17, 2017, the opening ceremony of 12th International Forum and Exhibition of Livestock, Dairy and Fisheries Industry Indo Livestock 2017 was held in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The exhibition and forum are supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia. More than 350 exhibitors from 33 countries and more than 15 000 visitors and delegates take part in the exhibition.

The event covers the following specialized exhibitions:

Indo Feed 2017 – livestock exhibition; Indo Dairy 2017 – meat and dairy industry exhibition; Indo Fisheries 2017 – fisheries industry exhibition.

In the course of the forum the significant issues of agricultural management, food safety assurance, farm structures, meat production technologies, marketing and financing of agricultural business operators will be discussed.

Indo Livestock is proven to be the preferred venue for agricultural producers and buyers of the South-Eastern region to source for new technology and equipment and where industry professionals get update on the latest technological advances and industry trends.

It is the first time when the RF delegation including representatives of the Rosselkhoznadzor and FGBI “ARRIAH”, subordinate to it take part in the exhibition. The Rosselkhoznadzor Head Quarters was presented by V.V. Lavrovsky, Assistant to the Head.

The FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” sent a delegation of researchers headed by Director Dmitry Lozovoy. The Institution exhibits its scientific developments in the veterinary medicine (vaccines and diagnostica for animals) for Asian Pacific countries.

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