Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
FGBI "ARRIAH" Received Letters of Thanks for Hosting the International Scientific and Practical Conference for Poultry Farm Veterinarians of the Russian Federation and the CIS Countries in February 2020


13.04.2020 14:30 On February 13-14, 2020 the International Scientific and Practical Conference for Poultry Farm Veterinarians of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries “Topical Issues of Diagnosis and Prevention of Avian Infectious Diseases in Commercial Poultry Industry” was held at the Rosselkhoznadzor-subordinate FGBI “Federal Center for Animal Health”. At the conference the leading experts and representatives of domestic and foreign science discussed current issues associated with the development of joint measures to create and regulate favorable conditions for poultry keeping. Head of the laboratory of the Kimron Veterinary Institute (Israel) Marina Eyngor noted the high level of organization and professionalism demonstrated at the conference, which allowed to bring together a wide and representative circle of experts, veterinary specialists to exchange views on solving the most relevant domestic and global problems in the field of prevention and control of poultry infectious diseases. The team of OAO “Agrofirma Seymovskaya” represented by chief veterinarian of the establishment E.V. Mironkina noted the in formativeness and relevance of the presented lecture material and expressed gratitude for the organization and holding of the event.

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