Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)
FGBI “ARRIAH” Reference Laboratory for Avian Diseases Participated in International Comparisons


14.07.2014 08:57

Reference laboratory for avian diseases of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” once again participated in the international comparisons (IC) organized by the Dutch Animal Health Service, Deventer (R&D GD), Netherlands. R&D GD is officially accredited according to the international requirements ILAC-G13:2007 for IC for a number of animal diseases.

89 laboratories from 35 countries of the world participated in the IC for Newcastle disease. The Reference Laboratory tested panel of coded chicken sera using commercial test kits for detection of antibodies against Newcastle disease virus. They used kits manufactured by the FGBI “ARRIAH” and by IDEXX. HI and indirect ELISA results reliably identified all 8 coded samples.

The IC results once again confirmed the competence of the laboratory personnel and international competitiveness of the test kits manufactured by the FGBI “ARRIAH” for Newcastle disease diagnosis.

In addition, in May 2014, the Reference Laboratory for Avian Virus Diseases of the FGBI “ARRIAH” for the first time participated in the IC for detection of avian mycoplasma (Mycoplasma gallisepticum, M. synoviae, M. meleagridis). 30 laboratories from 17 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa participated in the IC. The laboratory tested a panel of coded samples (8 culture samples of three avian mycoplasma at different titers) using in-house real-time polymerase chain reaction kits (real-time PCR). All samples were identified correctly and according to R&D GD report results of the laboratory reproducibility of quantitative real-time PCR were one of the best. IC results confirmed high qualification of the laboratory personnel as well as sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the real-time PCR-based methods used in the FGBI “ARRIAH” for molecular diagnosis of viral diseases.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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