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On July 4, 2024, a video conference on cooperation was held between the FGBI "ARRIAH" and Brazil.  The negotiations were attended by: Director General of BELCHER FARMACEUTICA Emanuel Katori, Executive Director of Belcher Pharmaceuticals do Brasil S.A. Dr. Rafael Crivellari and Representative of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil /Agricultural Attache Andrey Yurkov.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Attache Office for Agriculture at the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow) was represented by Attache Marco Tulio Santiago and Assistant Attache for Agriculture Polina Kuznetsova.

    The FGBI "ARRIAH" delegation at the negotiations was represented by: Deputy Director Denis Boitsun, Head of the Department for Vaccine Export and Sales Alexey Borisov and Chief Specialist of the Department for Vaccine Export and Sales Vera Stepanenko.

The agenda was devoted to introduction of vaccines and diagnostic kits in Latin American countries, including Brazil. The following vaccines are to be registered in the region: vaccines against avian diseases (avian influenza); against rabbit diseases (myxomatosis); cattle diseases, diseases of small ruminants (rabies vaccine).

The two sides (the FGBI ARRIAH and BELCHER FARMACEUTICA) also plan to jointly participate in International Poultry & Pork Show (SIAVS), São Paulo, Brazil, which is scheduled for 06 August 2024 - 08 August 2024. During the exhibition negotiations are planned with the countries economically significant for Russia and Brazil.
        Following the meeting, the parties signed a memorandum on scientific and technical cooperation for 2024-2026.
The FGBI "ARRIAH" is ready to share its scientific expertise with the Brazilian colleagues in relation to economically significant issues.
The signing of the memorandum on scientific and technical cooperation for 2024-2026 was an important step towards a long-term partnership that promises to bring significant benefits to both Russia and Brazil, strengthen their positions in the global veterinary and agricultural markets.

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