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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI “ARRIAH” Specialists to Participate in the 3rd Meeting of Agriculture Working Group of the Russian-Mongolian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation


17.03.2017 12:01

The 3rd session of the Agriculture Working Group of the Russian-Mongolian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation was held on December 12-13, 2016 in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).

The working group included representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, specialists of the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” A. Mishchenko, Deputy Head for Scientific Research and Development, and A. Borisov, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory for FMD Prevention, as well as experts of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University.

During the meeting the both sides discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture aimed at improvement of epizootic animal well-being and increase in commodity turnover of agricultural products between the both countries.

The parties emphasized that the meeting of the working group contributed to the development of relations between the both countries in the agricultural sector.

During the visit the Russian specialists had negotiations with the representatives of the Veterinary Science and Animal Breeding Department for the Mongolian Ministry of Food Supply, Agriculture and Consumer Goods Industry. The Mongolian counterparts marked high quality of vaccines manufactured at the FGBI “ARRIAH” and expressed their interest in purchasing vaccines against FMD, PPR and sheep and goat pox produced at the FGBI “ARRIAH”.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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