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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI ARRIAH Staff Takes Advanced Training Course


12.09.2016 11:34

From 18 to 20 May, 2016 the Federal Centre for Animal Health (FGBI ARRIAH) subordinated to the Rosselkhoznadzor arranged advanced training courses in “Laboratory Reports and Ideal Protocol of the Accredited Laboratory”.

40 staff members from the Laboratory and Diagnostic Centre, Department for Biological and Technological control (Testing Laboratory for Veterinary Preparations) and from the Testing Centre took part in the workshop.

The experts in accreditation addressed the following issues:

Liability for providing unreliable information on the carried out tests and for finalizing tests results in compliance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 322 dd. 30.05.2014; Keeping records of the sample life cycles in the lab; Keeping records of the carried out tests; Accuracy of the issued test protocols (analyses); Accreditation procedures in compliance with the Federal Law No. 412 “Accreditation in the National Accreditation System”; Preparation of the lab for Accreditation procedure; Review of the accreditation criteria for testing labs in the RF (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dd. 30.05.2014, No. 326); Application forms and annexes (Scope of accreditation, Annex forms to the application, Quality Manual).

Practical classes in the form of business simulation games were held at the coursers.

After the training all the FGBI ARRIAH participants received the workshop certificates based on the programme “Laboratory Reports and Ideal Protocol of the Accredited Laboratory” and identity cards on short-term advanced training course.

Press Office of the FGBI “ARRIAH”

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