On October 28 of this year, experts from the FGBI "ARRIAH", subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor, took part in the meeting of the Veterinary Science Section within the Scientific and Technical Council of the RF Ministry of Agriculture.
Alexander Kononov, Deputy Director for Research and Development, made a report On the establishment of LSD protection zones in the RF Subjects bordering the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, and Mikhail Volkov, Head of the Laboratory for Epizootology and Monitoring, made a report On vaccination strategy against HPAI in the Russian Federation. Topical and problematic issues regarding LSD specific prevention in border areas, vaccination strategy against avian influenza A/H5 on backyard farms, the impact of vaccination campaign on the export potential of the country's poultry industry and on the animal health status of individual regions, were discussed within the framework of the Scientific and Technical Council.
Press service of the FGBI «ARRIAH»