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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI «ARRIAH» took part in specialized international exhibition «Meat & Poultry Industry/VIV Russia 2019»


04.06.2019 14:02

On May 28, 2019 Moscow saw the opening of the International Exhibition of innovative technologies for meat and dairy animal husbandry, pig and poultry farming «Meat & Poultry Industry /VIV Russia 2019».

The FGBI «Federal Centre for Animal Health» subordinate to the Rosselkhoznadzor took part in the event within a joint exposition of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance where visitors could get acquainted with achievements and developments of the Centre in the veterinary field.

The exhibition programme included sessions devoted to innovative technologies for animal and poultry farming, food safety and quality as well as major development trends on the VMP world market. The FGBI «ARRIAH» specialists took part in business meetings to exchange scientific and practical knowledge. Notably, a number of plenary sessions took place within the framework of the Summit «Russia’s Agrarian Policy: Present and Future» where participants reviewed the topics within the Rosselkhoznadzor scope of competence – «Safety and quality of products» and «National export strategy».

Victor Irza, FGBI «ARRIAH» Chief Expert for Avian Diseases, and Konstantin Gruzdev, FGBI «ARRIAH» Chief Expert for Porcine Diseases, assumed the role of moderators of the special seminar «Strategic Partnership of Science and Business in Agriculture: Food Safety «From Field to Market».

Participation in the Summit was a favourable opportunity to demonstrate scientific potential of the institution, exchange experience and research results and discuss current issues in the veterinary field.

FGBI «ARRIAH» Press Office

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