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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

FGBI “ARRIAH” warns about the risk of duck hepatitis agent introduction onto duck raising farms


08.10.2020 10:46

Duck viral hepatitis is a highly contagious disease of ducklings causing lethality of up to 100%. The disease is included in the List of infectious animal diseases, including highly dangerous diseases, for which restrictive measures (quarantine) can be established, approved by the Russian MoA Order No 476 as of 19.12.2011, and in the List of infectious diseases subject to regionalization in the territory of the Russian Federation (RF MoA Order No 635 as of 14.12.201). All cases of the viral hepatitis shall be notified to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).

Considering the approaching autumn season and the beginning of wild bird mass migrations (especially Anseriformes), the threat of the infection agent introduction onto commercial farms and backyard farms increases significantly. The disease cases have been reported in several European countries as well as in Egypt, USA and Canada. Lately, most reports of the infection outbreaks come from the countries in the Asia Pacific: China, Taiwan, South Korea and Vietnam. More than 20 new virus isolates of different serotypes were recovered in the region.

The only prophylaxis method is timely vaccination of ducks and ducklings.

In this respect the Rosselkhoznadzor subordinate FGBI “ARRIAH” reminds on the necessity of timely disease prevention measures according to the effective Instruction on measures for duck viral hepatitis control and recommends to use the embryo vaccine against duck viral hepatitis based on VGNKI-K strain for this purpose. The vaccine is intended for immunization of ducks in infected holdings and holdings at risk for duck viral hepatitis.

The vaccine can be used for immunization both of ducklings and mature stocks for the purpose of transovarial immunity establishment.

One of the vaccine characteristics is that already in 48 hours after a single injection ducklings develop immune response persisting for, at least, 30 days. Mature ducks develop immunity after two-fold injections and it is transmitted transovarially during six months and protects the progeny from the clinical disease and death. The strain used in the vaccine provides best protection from the epizootic virus circulating in the country.

The vaccine is the only domestic preparation against this disease. Possessing all the specified benefits the vaccine is an inexpensive and affordable biopreparation.The long-term use of the vaccine on duck raising farms showed that it provides proper protection for ducklings within the entire disease-susceptible period. The vaccine is successfully marketed in Russia and the CIS countries.

Fig. Duck viral hepatitis (nonimmune duckling lethality reaches 100%)

Fig. Typical liver lesions caused by viral hepatitis

Fig. Vaccine against duck viral hepatitis

The FGBI “ARRIAH” press-office

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