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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Global Epidemic Situation on Highly Dangerous Animal Diseases (1-31March 2017)


02.08.2017 11:39

1079 highly dangerous disease outbreaks were reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) during the period of 1-31 March, 2017.

Russia reported of the African swine fever outbreaks among livestock animals in Samara Oblast (1 outbreak) and Irkutsk Oblast (1 outbreak) (these are the first ASF cases detected in these territories), among wild boars – in Vladimir Oblast (1 outbreak) and Moscow Oblast (1 outbreak). Highly pathogenic avian influenza was reported in Moscow Oblast (8 outbreaks).

The following animal diseases were detected in the territories of previously disease-free countries:

highly pathogenic avian influenza in Malaysia (11 outbreaks); FMD in Jordan (4 outbreaks) and Republic of South Africa (1 outbreak); rabies in Salvador (1 outbreak; pseudotubercular enteritis in Liechtenstein ( 1 outbreak); rotavirus pigeon disease in Australia (6 outbreaks).

FMD outbreaks were detected in Zimbabwe (5 outbreaks), African swine fever was detected in Lithuania (84 outbreaks), Poland (34 outbreaks), Republic of Moldova (2 outbreaks), Ukraine (8 outbreaks) and Republic of South Africa (1 outbreak).

The veterinary services of 28 countries reported of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Belgium (3 outbreaks), Bosnia and Herzegovina (2 outbreaks), Great Britain (1 outbreak), Hungary (55 outbreaks), Vietnam (10 outbreaks), Germany (54 outbreaks), Greece (2 outbreaks), Egypt (3 outbreaks), Spain (9 outbreaks), Italy (5 outbreaks), Ireland (1 outbreak), China (8 outbreaks), Lithuania (3 outbreaks), Nepal (3 outbreaks), Nigeria (15 outbreaks), Netherlands (3 outbreaks) , Poland (17 outbreaks), Romania (51 outbreaks), Serbia (10 outbreaks), Slovakia (3 outbreaks), Slovenia (11 outbreaks), USA (2 outbreaks), Taiwan (96 outbreaks), France (110 outbreaks), Croatia (4 outbreaks), Check Republic (4 outbreaks), Sweden (7 outbreaks), Japan (2 outbreaks). Low pathogenic avian influenza was reported in the USA (5 outbreaks), France (9 outbreaks) and RSA (2 outbreaks).

Lumpy skin disease was reported in Greece (1 outbreak) and Namibia (4 outbreaks). Bluetongue outbreaks are still being reported in Botswana (1 outbreak), Italy (2 outbreaks), Serbia (36 outbreaks), France (344 outbreaks) and Ecuador (5 outbreaks). 1 outbreak of sheep and goat pox was detected in Israel. Newcastle disease outbreaks were reported in Romania (5 outbreaks) and Israel (23 outbreaks). The veterinary services of Spain reported of 1 outbreak of spongiform encephalopathy.

In addition to the above mentioned diseases the following ones were reported in the world during the past period:

rabies in Belize (number of cases increased), Hungary (2 outbreaks); Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Saudi Arabia (4 outbreaks); rabbit hemorrhagic disease in Australia (1 outbreak); hemorrhagic septicemia in Israel (4 outbreaks).

Experts of the Information Analysis Centre of the FGBI “ARRIAH” continue monitoring of the epidemic situation worldwide. See the details on the Rosselkhoznadzor official web-site: http://www.fsvps.ru/fsvps/iac/messages (Section “Epidemic situation”, IAC Messages).

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-Office

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