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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Global Epidemic Situation on Highly Dangerous Animal Diseases in February 2016


22.03.2016 11:08

According to the OIE data 421 outbreaks of highly dangerous animal diseases were reported in the world from February 1to February 29, 2016.

In Russia in February 2016 African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks were registered in:

Penza, the Penza Oblast. The outbreak was reported in the farm IK № 4, total swine population – 292, one animal was infected and 43 animals were destroyed. Penza, the Penza Oblast. The disease was reported in swine from UK “Correctional facility” № 8. There were 514 susceptible animals in the outbreak. 12 animals were infected, 10 animals died and 2 animals were destroyed. Radilovo stow, the Cholmsky Raion of the Novgorod Oblast. Wild boar carcasses were found on the territory of Radilovo stow in 5.6 km south-east of Radilovo village. Five animals were infected and died in the outbreak; v. Berezovka, the Kolyshlejsky Raion of the Penza Oblast. The disease was reported on the farm (total animal population was 28): seven animals were infected, one animal died, 27 animals were destroyed; s. Telegino, the Kolyshlejsky Raion of the Penza Oblast. ASF was detected in backyard swine. All susceptible animals (2 animals) were infected and died; Shatskoye Forestry, the Shatsky Raion of the Ryazan Oblast. ASF was detected in boars. Their carcasses were found on the territory of the 12th square of the forest. Three animals were infected and died in the outbreak. v. Munyakoskie Vyselki, the Starozhilovsky Raion of the Ryazan Oblast. ASF virus genome was detected in the samples from dead boars that were found in the forest area of the Starozhilovsky Raion. It is situated between Uchorskoe village of the Spasky Raion and Munyakoskie Vyselki village of the Shilovsky Raion. Four animals were infected and died.

ASF outbreaks were also reported in Latvia (66), Lithuania (16), Ukraine (3) and Estonia (153).

FMD outbreaks were detected in Zimbabwe (9), RSA (4) and South Korea (2).

Veterinary Service of France notified bluetongue (37) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (5) outbreaks. Highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks were registered in Vietnam (2), Ghana (1), Hong Kong (1), Cote d’Ivoire (2), Nigeria (65) and Taiwan (11).

Sheep and goat pox was detected in Mongolia (6). The poultry morbidity due to Newcastle disease increased in Philippines.

The following diseases were reported in previously free territories:

ASF – Mali (10); Bluetongue – Ecuador (1); Newcastle disease – Bulgaria (1); Highly pathogenic avian influenza – Bangladesh (1); Peste des petits ruminants – Algeria (1), Georgia (1); FMD – Kuwait (12).

Except above mentioned diseases, the following not highly dangerous animal diseases were reported in the last month:

Brucellosis – Finland (2); Middle East respiratory syndrome – Saudi Arabia (1); Anthrax – Botswana (1); Low pathogenic avian influenza – RSA (5); Covering disease – Botswana (3).

Specialists of the FGBI “ARRIAH” Information and Analysis Centre continue monitoring of the global epidemic situation on highly dangerous animal and avian diseases.

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press Office

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