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Техническая поддержка ФГИС «Меркурий»

Global epidemic situation with respect to highly dangerous animal diseases, January 1 – December 29, 2018


01.02.2019 14:00

Over the period from January 1 to December 29, 2018, the World Health Organization for Animal Health was notified of 6 085 outbreaks of highly dangerous anima diseases.

In Russia, 5 FMD (foot-and-mouth) outbreaks, 109 ASF (African swine fever) outbreaks, 4 CSF (classical swine fever) outbreaks, 82 HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) outbreaks, 64 LSD (lumpy skin disease) outbreaks and 12 SPGP (sheep pox and goat pox) outbreaks were reported during this period.

Elsewhere, ASF outbreaks were reported in Belgium (148), Bulgaria (5), Hungary (105), China (102), Côte d'Ivoire (23), Latvia (672), Poland (2263), Moldova (38), Romania (1283), Ukraine (147), the Republic of Chad (2), The Czech Republic (28), the SAR (1).

During the last year, HPAI outbreaks were reported in 33 countries: Afghanistan (3), Bangladesh (2), Bulgaria (25), Bhutan (2), the UK (21), Vietnam (10), Ghana (4), Germany (5), Hong-Kong (4), Denmark (30), Israel (1), India (11), Iraq (15), Iran (5), Ireland (3), Italy (3), Cambodia (7), China (13), Laos (1), Malaysia (7), Mexico (4), Nepal (3), Nigeria (1), the Netherlands (7), Pakistan (1), Saudi Arabia (22), Slovakia (1), Taiwan (105), Togo (1), Finland (3), Sweden (11), the SAR (66), South Korea (14), Japan (14).

During the aforementioned period of 2018, FMD outbreaks were officially confirmed in China (24), Mongolia (26), South Korea (2), Zimbabwe (143). FMD outbreaks were also reported in Algeria (53), Botswana (18), Gambia (3), Guinea (50), Guinea-Bissau (4), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (3), Zambia (2), Israel (21), Kenya (3), Colombia (8), Malawi (13), Mozambique (29), Myanmar (33), Palestinian Territories (4), Tunisia (4), the SAR (6).

SPGP outbreaks were reported by the animal health services of Israel (4) and Greece (4). LSD outbreaks were reported in Georgia (2) and Namibia (10).

PPR (peste des petits ruminants) outbreaks were officially confirmed in Algeria (6), Bulgaria (7), Burundi (8), Bhutan (1), Israel (1) and Sierra Leone (5). Rabies outbreaks were reported in Armenia (1), Belize (an increase in the number of cases was observed), Egypt (1), Israel (an increase in mortality was observed), Kazakhstan (3), Lebanon (1), Lithuania (1), Malaysia (246) and Norway (5).

Bluetongue outbreaks were reported in the following countries: Germany (1), Greece (17), Italy (22), Kenia (3), Cyprus (27), Portugal (1), Tunisia (9), Turkey (1), France (9), Switzerland (76).

An outbreak of African horse sickness was identified in Swaziland.

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreaks were reported in the UK (1) and the USA (1).

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia outbreaks were reported in Namibia (3). Rift valley fever outbreaks were reported in Kenya (10), Rwanda (8), Uganda (3) and the SAR (1).

Newcastle disease outbreaks were reported in Belgium (2), Bulgaria (4), Botswana (2), Israel (15), Kazakhstan (1), Cyprus (1), Namibia (13), USA (2), the Czech Republic (1) and Sweden (1). LPAI (low-pathogenic avian influenza) outbreaks were reported in Denmark (2), the Dominican Republic (5), the USA (14), Taiwan (13), France (27) and Sweden (1).

In addition to the aforementioned diseases, over the period from Jan 1 to December 29, 2018, diseases which are not considered highly dangerous were reported globally, such as: bovine anaplasmosis, bovine babesiosis, Aujeszky’s disease, Middle East respiratory syndrome, brucellosis (B.melitensis), rabbit haemorrhagic disease, equid herpesvirus infections, equine influenza, equine infectious anaemia, West Nile fever, myxomatosis, glanders, anthrax, scrapie, trypanosomosis, bovine tuberculosis, tularemia.

Officials of the Information Analysis Center of the FGBI “ARRIAH” will continue following the development of the global epidemic situation with respect to diseases of animals and birds. For more information, visit the ‘Epidemic Situation’ section of the official Rosselkhoznadzor website at: http://www.fsvps.ru/fsvps/iac/messages/..

FGBI “ARRIAH” Press-Office

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